The internet has many different places you can
find any of our restaurant’s hours of operation and
menu offer. We chose to only make changes solely
on our own website. It is the one place on the inter-
net that we have full control of the content. We did
not make any attempt to change hours on 3rd party
sites like Trip Advisor, Facebook, or Google.
We believed that leaving our standard hours of
operation intact in those areas was more impor-
tant, as many of those platforms had a note indi-
cating that the hours may be different due to the
current situation. The BEST place you can
find current hours of operation and the cur-
rent menu being offered will ONLY be on
our websites. Or, you could give us a call.
As we look ahead to the summer, we will
be operating at 50% seating capacity inside
and whatever outside dining space we have
been able to create at each of our restaurants.
85 Main has the most limited outside dining
due to their location and the size of their patio
and will require reservations. The Vanilla Bean
Café has the most space due to their location
in the country. Dog Lane Café and Fenton
River Grill have done well creating safe out-
side seating based on state guidelines.
We are looking forward to when our
whole industry can be at full capacity. We miss our
customers and we all wish to maintain our enduring
relationship within our communities. Large chain
restaurants will have the support they need from the
companies of which they are a part. Independent
restaurants like ours rely on local support. We want
to take this moment to thank all our customers for
their patience and continued patronage as we navi-
gate these difficult times for all our restaurants. Your
patience really does make a difference.
Issue 24 Number 3 July - September 2020 Free*
Northeastern Connecticut
Sign up on our mailing list at GreenValleyHospitality.com
& Vanilla Bean Café Calendar
Information & Entertainment
he second quarter of 2020 has been quite dif-
ficult for everyone. We are thinking of all our
customers at this difficult time. While the
restaurant industry was hit pretty hard, we under-
stand that many other are people having a difficult
time as well.
Beginning in mid-March, we had to switch all
our operations to take-out only. We saw sales
plunge along with most other industries and
retail operations. We furloughed 85% of our
staff and worked hard to find a way to survive.
It was a difficult and stressful time. We thank
you for your ongoing patience and support of all
our restaurants.
The hardest part was making every effort to
still be a place of hospitality when every direc-
tive that came from the state made us less and
less hospitable. Not only was it difficult to set
up and implement, we continually have to
make changes as the situation changes.
Our first steps were to create a place that
was still safe for all our employees. Then we
worked on making sure our offer was safe for
our customers, all based on recommendations
and directives from the Governor and the
Health Departments. We did our best to create
an operation that could still be fiscally viable
for a longer period. We stayed open to main-
tain employment for our staff that still wanted to
work and to provide a service for our customers that
still relied on us when they were traveling or just
short on time. Restaurants were considered essential
businesses and we worked to maintain our offer the
best that we could.
Each restaurant adjusted their hours and offer
based on what we were seeing in the way of cus-
tomers and business in the first few weeks, and then
continued to adjust the operation to meet those
The Vanilla Bean Café
wants you to know...
The Vanilla Bean Café opened in 1989 with 16 seats
The Vanilla Bean Café is owned by the Jessurun Family
The Vanilla Bean Café is a member of
Green Valley Hospitality
We open 361 days a year. We close on:
Easter Sunday, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving
& Christmas Day
Business Hours:
Monday, Tuesday 7 am - 3 pm
Wednesday, Thursday 7 am - 8 pm
Friday 7 am - 9 pm*
Saturday 8 am - 9 pm*†
Sunday 8 am - 8 pm*
*We may close early during colder months.
†Entertainment night -
we serve dessert, beer & wine until 10 pm
Web site: www.TheVanillaBeanCafe.com
Address: 450 Deerfield Road
Pomfret Center, Connecticut 06259
Phone: 860-928-1562
Music Booking: Maria Sangiolo
Art Booking: Sarah Matteau
Bean Soup Ads: Barry Jessurun
is an information and
entertainment newsletter.
Compiled by Barry Jessurun
Written by Barry Jessurun
Edited by Maria Sangiolo
Layout & Design - Barry Jessurun
© COPYRIGHT 2020 by Barry Jessurun, All rights reserved
Green Valley Hospitality Pomfret, Connecticut 06258
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank
“The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life
- mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical.”
- Julius Erving
reen Valley Hospitality (GVH) is the finan-
cial management and marketing company
that oversees our 4 restaurants (The Vanilla
Bean Ca, 85 Main, Dog Lane Café and Fenton
River Grill). GVH company was founded in 2015 to
create a streamlined approach to fiscal responsibili-
ty and a more focused approach to marketing. Most
of the work handled by GVH are the tasks that
would keep the managing partner of each location
in the office, and not on the floor managing the
restaurant, overseeing staff and keeping the focus
on overall quality.
All GVH restaurants also focus on educating our
staff and engaging with our local communities.
Through training, access to continuing education
programs, and creating a friendly and rewarding
environment, our staff are provided with a place
where they can enjoy working. For our guests, this
means immediate, friendly and courteous service by
well-trained and educated staff.
About Green Valley Hospitality
“If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for
myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” - Rabbi Hillel
he Wine Cellar at 85 Main has received many
accolades since its opening. The downstairs
function room at 85 Main was completely ren-
ovated in 2015 and is available for private parties,
business meetings, special events
and regular dining when it is not
booked for a private party. Contact
Dawn at 860-928-1660 or send an
email to [email protected] for more
information and available dates.
Book Your Next Event
In The Wine Cellar @
FentOn River Grill
Find Us on Facebook
Follow us on Instagram
GVH Restaurants...
...are open 361 days a year.
...offer many Gluten Free items.
...offer daily vegetarian specials.
...post their Daily Specials on their websites.
...purchase locally grown products all year.
...are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
...are great places to work and have fun!
“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it
right.” - Oprah Winfrey
Clients to
Mind Their
“You never have to change anything you got up in the mid-
dle of the night to write.” - Saul Bellow
We Thought You Should Know
ctober 1
of 2019, the State of Connecticut
implemented a new 1% additional Sales Tax
on restaurants. That means the consumer at
restaurants will be paying 7.35% sales tax. The
State has also implemented a 10% Spirit Excise Tax
that will be passed onto restaurants and package
stores in wholesale costs. Not only that, but begin-
ning at the same time, the state Minimum Wage
increased from $10.10 per hour to $11.00 per hour.
It will increase every 11 months by $1.00 until it
reaches $15.00 per hour on June 1
of 2023. In 4
years, this will increase the minimum wage by
48%. This will in turn cause menu prices to
increase a minimum of 25% in that time frame, but
most likely more than that as the increases incurred
by our suppliers are passed along to us as well.
Throughout this time, we will hold true to our com-
mitment to high quality, hand-prepared foods at all
our restaurants. We will implement price increases
throughout this time to keep up with this rapid ris-
ing cost of business. We are completely unsure how
this will play out for our business model.
Live at the Bean
CD Compilation
Get One Today!
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new end-
ing.” - Carl Bard
“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to
define us.” - Virginia Satir
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those
who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
- Bernard M. Baruch
“A greenhouse that makes you go Wow!- Eileen Jessurun
About... SING:
Quiet Corner Song Swap
Now Happening On-line Via Zoom
After the death of Pete Seeger in 2014, a small group
of his admirers joined together to celebrate his life
with a sing-along concert at the Hampton Grange.
The event was a huge success and gave birth to
SING:The Quiet Corner Song Swap. There is no
charge and lyrics are available for most songs. They
frequently use the folk “hymnal”, Rise Up Singing
and its sequel, Rise Again for song lyrics. Partici-
pants are encouraged to lead their favorite songs or
suggest them to the song leaders of the evening.
Bring your voices, your instruments and your ears.
This is specifically a night for singing, so please, no
fiddle tunes or songs without a place to join in.
email: sally@sallyrogers.com to sign up.
Virtual Open Mic
with Host Peter Lehndorff
Now Happening On-line Via Zoom
We have started the Vanilla Bean Virtual Open Mic
and had our first successful one in June. For the fore-
seeable future we will be getting together using
Zoom as our performing platform. Follow us on
Facebook or join our mailing list to be informed
when the next Open Mic will be hosted. When you
sign up you will receive a confirmation email with
the Zoom meeting and a Zoom password. The per-
formance order will be posted in the chat area.
Everyone will do one song or story or poem and then
time permitting we will go around again. If you are
performing, it is best if you use a computer. Use an
external USB mic or a microphone with a USB inter-
face if you can. There are more options for getting
decent sound from Zoom on a computer. Regardless
of your device be sure you have the latest update of
Music is the shorthand of emotion. - Leo Tolstoy
Visit All of Our Restaurants
The Vanilla Bean Café
Pomfret Connecticut
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Real Good Whole Food Since 1989
85 Main
Putnam Connecticut
New American Fusion Cusine
Full Bar, Raw Bar, Sushi Bar
Dog Lane Café
Storrs Connecticut
American European Café
Great Food, Coffee Drinks, Desserts
Fenton River Grill
Mansfield Connecticut
New American Comfort Food
Craft Beer, Craft Cocktails
VBC Review Quotables...
Extremely Tasty” Food - New York Times
Relaxed Atmosphere - Boston Globe
Truly Bizarre Service - New London Day
Maybe our sparkle comes from somewhere deeper
inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and real it does-
n’t need gloss or polish or glitter to shine.” - Mandy Hale
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot
be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the
heart.” - Helen Keller
Recipe Column
Dr. Kristen Groves & Dr. Kelly Hackett Coderre
Open 7 days a week including Sunday’s
Curried Chicken &Cauliflower
his soup was originally made with swordfish.
It was one of those mornings when I came to
work to find a whole case of cauliflower had
been delivered and swordfish that needed to be
used. Having made a curried cauliflower soup in the
past, I thought how bad could a curried swordfish
and cauliflower be? I made the soup and tweaked it
a bit for balance, and it was what we call a ‘winner
(for reasons I cannot remember). The addition of the
Thai Chili Sauce is one of those tweaks I do not
know why I added it, but I found it necessary for a
final balance to the overall flavor. This soup went
on to get rave reviews for numerous customers and
we made it a few more times. However, we do not
often order swordfish anymore and the recipe went
on to the back burner (pun intended). Until one day
we had a lot of chicken that need to be used and we
resurrected the recipe and rewrote if for chicken.
The result was an instant success with many people
asking for the recipe. I hope you enjoy it here.
2 oz Butter
1 oz Bacon fat
(use 1 oz more butter if bacon fat is not available)
1 small onion - diced
5 ribs celery - diced
1 Tablespoon grated garlic
1 Tablespoon McCormick curry powder
3/4 teaspoon cumin
3/4 teaspoon fresh ground coriander
3/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1 Tablespoon Thai Chili Sauce
2 drops Tabasco
1/4 cup flour
3.5 oz can coconut milk
1.5 quarts chicken stock
1/2 head cauliflower – chopped (½” – ¾”)
12 oz chicken – chopped (chopped ¾”)
2 cups diced tomatoes
1/4 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup chopped scallion
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self control these
three alone lead to power.” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.”
- Lao Tzu
Recipe Column
Curried Chicken &Cauliflower
•Cook onion, celery and garlic in butter and bacon fat
In a separate pan, cook diced chicken until
browned & set aside
•Deglaze chicken pan with ½ cup chicken stock
reserve liquid
•Add seasonings and stir
•Add flour and mix thoroughly
•Add chicken stock and bring to gentle boil
•Add cauliflower and cook on high 2 minutes
•Add chicken, tomatoes, deglazing liquid, and heat
to 165°
Garnish with coconut and scallion
1. Total Dinner Specials 7425
2. Steak Burger 6361
3. Lunch Specials 4961
4. Total Appetizer Specials 3236
5. Total Sushi Specials 2910
6. DD Caesar 2870
7. California Roll 2141
8. House Salad 2043
9. Cup of Chowder 1956
10. Spicy Tuna Roll 1828
Top Selling
Menu Items
of 2019
Employee Shout Outs
The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha
hat began as a small café in 1989 has gone
on to become a 4-location restaurant group
that has created over 40 full-time jobs and
over 100 part-time positions in the area,
and has employed well over 1000 people since that
Every company is shaped by the culture that is
created by the owners vision and daily execution
along with the attitude and passion that employees
bring to the table (pun intended). While it is the own-
ers who make the entire entity possible, it is the
employees who really make our restaurants the stand-
out places that they are, for both the customers and
their fellow employees.
We want to take a few moments here to shout out
to some existing employees and partners who really
make a difference to our organization.
James Martin, our managing partner at 85 Main
began as a dishwasher at the Bean in 1990. He went
on to work many other places until he came back to
us as a manager in 2000. After spending an additional
3 years with us, he moved to Florida to attempt a
restaurant of his own. That did not work out as he
intended, and he returned to Connecticut in 2005 to
open 85 Main with us. Fifteen years on, the place
speaks for itself.
Tiffany Siefert, the General Manager at Dog Lane
Café, began working with us at the Bean in 2004. She
left to work at one of the Casinos in 2008 and left
there to open her own business in Putnam in 2010.
She came back to work with us when we opened Dog
Lane Café in 2012 and has helped that restaurant with
its success.
Scott Fredrich, our Head Chef at Dog Lane Café,
began working at the Bean in 2008. And worked with
us for 3 years before moving into a Head Chef posi-
tion with a new restaurant closer to his home. He
came back to us in 2012 to help open Dog Lane Ca.
He was also as our startup Head Chef at Fenton River
Grill for its first year of operation and then transi-
tioned back to Dog Lane Café because he liked the
fast-paced style of service that we offer at that loca-
Steve Smith joined our organization as a manag-
ing partner at Dog Lane Café, and he brought with
him a wealth of experience for his 20+ years with a
restaurant group in Mystic. Steve was instrumental in
..it is our employees who really
make our restaurants the
standout places that they are...
Employee Shout Outs
“Who are we but the stories we tell oruselves, about our-
selves, and believe?” - Scott Turow
the start up of Dog Lane Café and is now the manag-
ing partner of our newest location in Mansfield, Fen-
ton River Grill, that opened in 2018. Steve still over-
sees the operations at Dog Lane Café and you will
see him at both locations throughout the week.
Donna Ayres LaPointe has been our bookkeeper
since 1999. She makes it look easy handling the
books for 4 restaurants and 2 property accounts all
in a part-time capacity.
While this space is too small to shout out to all of
our employees who have helped us become what we
are today, we want mention a few more here; Jennifer
Coomey, current Chef at the Bean who began work-
ing with us in 1997 and has worked for us on and off
both at the Bean and 85 Main throughout that time.
Lynn Poulin, lead server at 85 Main has been with us
since day 1 of the operation (2005). Diane Petre, head
of maintenance at 85 Main (2005). Dawn Hehir,
Event Coordinator and day bartender at 85 Main
(2008). Eric Marrish, Head Chef at 85 Main has
worked with us at that location on and off since 2006.
Sarah Matteau, Restaurant Manager at the Bean
(2015). Zack Brown, Sous Chef at 85 Main began
working with us at the Bean in 2004. We thank and
appreciate you all, and all those employees we have
enjoyed working with over our 30+ years in business.
Specail thanks to Kayla (Murphy) Densmore, who
just left us in March to begin a new job with better
benefits and possible carrer advancement. She began
with us as a babysitter when she was 13 years old.
She began working at the Cafe in 2002. In 2006 she
transitioned to 85 Main to be the Bar Manager. She
left that position to become the Restaurant Manager
at the Bean in 2010. She had been functioning as the
GM of the Bean for the past few years and acted as a
Regional Manager for all the other restaurants due to
her vast knowledge of operations. She was able to
function in just about every position at all the restau-
rants. Kayla is like family to us, she has been a huge
asset to our operations and a great advocate for all of
our staff - she will be missed dearly.
Creativity is intelligence having fun!
- Albert Einstein.
Vanilla Bean
Best Country Café
Weekend Breakfast
full breakfast menu is served Saturday and Sunday
from 8:00 am - 12:00 noon. We offer a variety of spe-
cials including recent items like Bayou Scallop Benedict,
Roasted Mushroom Omelet, and Almond Joy Pancakes.
We use only 100% local maple syrup.
he Ca is on the National Folk Music Circuit and
attracts talent from all over the United States while
featuring mainly New England performers. The majority
of the shows are on Saturday night and start at 7:30 pm.
Our Open Mic night is on the first Friday of each month.
During shows, a theatre curtain separates the listening
room from the tiled dining room and kitchen in an effort
to keep the music in and the kitchen noise out.
The Artwork Gallery
he Café displays artwork by local artists year round.
Some shows have openings and some do not. Most of
the artwork displayed is for sale and often prices are listed
with the piece or on a list located in the room. One hun-
dred percent of the sale price goes to the artist.
July – Nancy Barrett
August – Suzie Grassic
September – Laureen Hylka
e are open for dinner Wednesday - Sunday. Each
night we run four or five dinner specials. Recent
items include: Seared Duck Breast, Thai Shrimp Bowl,
Seared Scallops, and Roasted Mushroom Mac’ n Cheese.
We offer a truly quality dinner at a great price, in a warm
and friendly atmosphere. If you haven’t tried us for dinner
yet, it’s time you did.
“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless
garden when the flowers are dead.” - Oscar Wilde
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s com-
ing attractions.” - Albert Einstein
Goings on ... at The Bean
The Café Cash Card
he first Café Cash Card was introduced in 1997.
The appearance of the card has changed since
then, but our card still works like the gift cards
available in most stores today. Café Cash Cards can be
purchased in any amount at the restaurant or online and
are reloadable -
add to the card
balance at any
time! Cards can
be used to pur-
chase any menu
item at Vanilla
Bean Cafe. Note:
A bonus of 10%
is added to the card balance when you purchase a
card for $200 or more*. The card must be presented to
redeem it at the time of purchase. The Café Cash Card
makes a great gift for friends and family members and
is ideal for students at the local schools. Ca Cash
Cards have no expiration date. *VBC only
“Success comes not from having certainty, but from being
able to live with uncertainty.” - Jeffrey Fry
Our Pricing Practices*
1. Sales Tax Included - Our prices include the
6.35% Connecticut Sales Tax + the 1% Restaurant Tax.
The prices listed on the menu are exactly what you pay.
Our prices may seem to be inflated; however, a $14.00
menu item is actually $13.04 + $.96 sales tax. Further-
more, this practice makes it easier for the customer, espe-
cially if that customer is a child who has exact change for
a cookie. What you see is exactly what you pay - what
could be simpler?
2. Not Market Standard Pricing - We are not
trying to fool the customer into thinking that $11.95 is
less expensive than $12.00. We find this type of pricing
insulting to our customers. However, the reason it is
used so extensively around the nation is that it works
effectively. We don’t like that practice, and we also like
to believe that our clientele is not so easily fooled.
3. No Pennies, Dimes or Nickels - Because our
prices include tax and we do not price in the standard
way, we do not have to use pennies, dimes or nickels.
This is a service to both the customer and to us. We
don’t give you lots of change, and we only have to use
quarters and fifty-cent pieces. This also helps our staff to
be more efficient performing transactions, which saves
time and money. An added bonus is that we don’t have
to count change at the end of the business day.
*The Vanilla Bean Café & Dog Lane Café only
This space is always reserved for our upcoming
concerts. Due to Social Distancing restrictions we
will have LIVE shows without audiences happening
in the music venue at the Bean this quarter.
Depending on what guidelines are issued by the
State, we may or may not have Live Entertainment
for the remainder of the year. We do have shows
booked through December, but they are all tentative
at this point. We plan to continue with Live Enter-
tainment in the future. In the meantime, we are
experimenting with broadcasting some con-
certs via FACEBOOK LIVE during the next
So, we will be hosting what we call the
Wish You Were Here Concert Series. These
are LIVE concerts performed at The Vanilla Bean,
broadcast LIVE simultaneously on FACEBOOK
LIVE. At the time of this publication, we produced
one of these events with Don White to benefit the
Pomfret Food Pantry. Our open mike happened via
ZOOM in June and we will host a second ZOOM
Open Mike on Monday July 13th with Peter Lehn-
dorff and Maria Sangiolo. You must sign up on our
email list to receive the Zoom ID and password.
Maria Sangiolo will present a LIVE virtual con-
All Facebook LIVE Wish You Were Here Concerts will start at 7:30 pm
Friday, July 10
Sing: Quiet Corner Song Swap with Sally Rogers and Friends, Zoom only
email: sally@sallyrogers.com to sign up
Monday, July 13
ZOOM open mike with Peter Lehndorf & Maria Sangiolo 7:00 pm.
Sign up on the Vanilla Bean Ca Mailing List to receive information
Tuesday, July 14
Facebook LIVE Wish You Were Here Concert with Maria Sangiolo
Tuesday, July 21
Facebook LIVE Wish You Were Here Concert with Kala Farnham
Tuesday, July 28
Facebook LIVE Wish You Were Here Concert with Howie Bursen & Sally Rogers
Tuesday, August 18
Facebook LIVE Wish You Were Here Concert with Sally Rogers
Saturday, September 5
Facebook LIVE Wish You Were Here Concert with Atwater-Donnelly
~ Saturday, September 12
Tret Fure, TBA, if we can be in the room~
~ Saturday, September 19
Pierce Pettis, TBA if we can be in the room~
Saturday September 26
Facebook LIVE Wish You Were Here Concert with
Claudia Schmidt & Sally Rogers
cert on Tuesday, July 14th and Kala Farnham will
celebrate the release of her new CD streaming LIVE
on Tuesday, July 21st. Sally Rogers will also stream
live from the Bean performing a kids concert on
Tuesday August 18th.
Please be sure to sign up on The Vanilla Bean
Mailing List from our website www.thevanillabean-
cafe.com or follow us on Facebook to learn more
about any shows we will present in the late summer
and early fall.
The Wish You Were Here Concert Series
will take place on Tuesday nights. All will be
marketed through email and Facebook, as
well as being listed on our online calendar on
our website. They will all be 1 hour or less in
length and be Free to anyone who wants to tune in
and watch them. Donations will be accepted and
there will be links that will allow patrons to make
donations to the artists or any benefit that we may
include as part of the show. These links will allow
you to pay via PayPal, Venmo or other possible pay-
ment methods.
These shows will be broadcast with FACE-
BOOK LIVE and possibly be posted later to our
YouTube channel. Please find The Vanilla Bean
Café on YouTube and subscribe to our Channel.
What’s Happening at The Bean...
Wish You Were Here Concert Series
P O Box 206
Pomfret CT 06258