tony Brook is a highly selective institution, seeking to enroll those students who demonstrate the intellectual curiosity and academic ability to succeed. Applicants are evaluated on an individual basis. There is no automatic cutoff in the admission process, either in
grade point average, rank, or test scores. The Admissions Committee seeks to enroll the strongest and most diverse class possible.
Successful applicants will typically have:
High school diploma or equivalent (Regents diploma preferred for NY residents)
Strong performance in a college preparatory high school academic program that includes:
4 units of English
4 units of social studies
3 units of mathematics (4 units required for engineering, applied sciences, and pharmacology)
3 units of science (4 units required for engineering, applied sciences, and pharmacology)
2 or 3 units of a foreign language
Standardized test scores that indicate the promise of success in a rigorous undergraduate course of study.
AP CREDIT Students who score a 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus AB Exam will receive credit for Calculus I at Stony Brook; thosewho score a 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam will receive credit for Calculus I and II. This
will satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum's Master Quantitative Problem Solving (QPS) requirement, and may serve to lighten a student’s academic course load in their first year or provide an opportunity to advance more rapidly in
their math courses and related subjects. Students who score a 3 will receive 3 elective credits.
Students with a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Statistics Exam will receive credit for Elements of Statistics at Stony Brook. This will satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum's Master Quantitative Problem Solving (QPS) require-
ment, and may serve to lighten a student’s academic course load in their first year or provide an opportunity to advance more rapidly in their math courses and related subjects.
Applied Mathematics & Statistics, BS
Students pursuing any of these majors, as well as those preparing for the graduate health professions, are expected to have a
strong aptitude for math, typically demonstrated by a score of 600 or higher on the Math Section of the SAT I Exam and an
above-average performance in 12th Year High School Math (Precalculus).
Completion of a year of calculus in high school, where possible, is strongly recommended.
These majors require more advanced
mathematics courses for completion of the
degree at Stony Brook
Astronomy/Planetary Sciences, BS
Athletic Training, BS
Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, BS
Biochemistry, BS
Biology, BS
Chemistry, BS & BA
Clinical Laboratory Sciences, BS
Earth & Space Sciences, BA
Engineering Chemistry, BS
Environmental Studies, BA
Geology, BS
Health Science, BS
Marine Sciences, BS
Marine Vertebrate Biology, BS
Mathematics, BS
Nursing, BS
Pharmacology, BS
Physics, BS
Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, Pre-Vet, Pre-PT
Psychology, BS
Respiratory Care, BS
Technological Systems Management, BS
Political Science, BA
Students pursuing these majors are expected to have satisfactorily completed four years of math in high school, preferably
including a precalculus course, calculus course, and/or AP Statistics.
These majors require an introductory statistics
Psychology, BA
Sociology, BA
Social Work, BS
s of December 2015
Africana Studies, BA
Students pursuing any of these majors are expected to have completed three years of math in high school to demonstrate
basic math competence.
These majors have no specific math require-
ments. Students pursuing these majors need
only satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum's
Master Quantitative Problem Solving (QPS)
equirement. Courses offered at Stony Brook
that satisfy this requirement include Statistics,
Mathematical Thinking, Introduction to
Symbolic Logic, Calculus and Overview of
alculus with Applications.
American Studies, BA
Anthropology, BA
Art History & Criticism, BA
sian & Asian American Studies, BA
Cinema & Cultural Studies, BA
Comparative Literature, BA
English, BA
Environmental Humanities, BA
European Studies, BA
French Language & Literature, BA
German Language & Literature, BA
History, BA
talian Studies, BA
Journalism, BA
inguistics, BA
Multidisciplinary Studies, BA
Music, BA
hilosophy, BA
Religious Studies, BA
Spanish Language & Literature, BA
Studio Art, BA
Theatre Arts, BA
Biomedical Engineering, BE
Students pursuing any of these majors are expected to have a strong aptitude for math,
typically demonstrated by a score of 600 or higher on the Math Section of the SAT I Exam
and a year of calculus in high school with an above-average performance.
Completion of a year of calculus in high school, where possible, is strongly recommended.
These majors require more advanced
mathematics courses for completion of
the degree at Stony Brook
Chemical & Molecular Engineering, BE
Civil Engineering, BE
Computer Engineering, BE
Computer Science, BS
Electrical Engineering, BE
Engineering Science, BE
Information Systems, BS
Mechanical Engineering, BE
Business Management, BS
Students pursing these majors are expected to have satisfactorily completed 12th Year High School Math (Precalculus).
When possible, a year of calculus in high school is strongly recommended.
These majors require Overview of Calculus
with Applications or other calculus course
Coastal Environmental Studies, BS
Economics, BA
Ecosystems & Human Impact, BA
Environmental Design, Policy, & Planning, B
Human Evolutionary Biology, BS
Sustainability Studies, BA