SingleTap Link
Setup Guide
Version 1.1
This document provides an in-depth explanation of SingleTap Links, options for
customization, as well as guidance on how to implement a SingleTap link and how to
ensure that data is sent properly to an attribution partner.
SingleTap is powered by Ignite™, Digital Turbine’s proprietary on-device technology that
enables Direct to Consumer app installs, monetization solutions, app updates, and more
as part of Ignite Services, a suite of tools for app publishers and platforms.
Product Description
With SingleTap, users can immediately download and launch an app directly from a click
on any call to action, bypassing the standard download process through Google Play.
SingleTap works in both web and app environments and can be used to enhance app
install campaigns across many different channels, including web smart banners, paid user
acquisition, SMS, email, and push messaging.
By delivering the app from Digital Turbine’s servers rather than a 3rd party app store,
SingleTap reduces app store friction, improves conversion and mitigates potential install
User Experience
SingleTap-enabled Devices
SingleTap is available on Android devices that have Digital Turbine’s Ignite software
Users will go through the following flow when clicking on a SingleTap link:
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Double Opt-in Flow:
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Non SingleTap-enabled Devices
SingleTap provides a fallback mechanism if a user taps an ad unit and Digital Turbine’s
Ignite software is not on the device or running an older version that does not support
SingleTap functionality. In these cases, the device will utilize a fallback URL to redirect the
user. These typically point to either the Play Store or to a landing page. 100% of users will
be covered through either the SingleTap experience or the fallback URL.
SingleTap Link Creation
SingleTap links use the following format:[siteID&campaignId=[campai
Initial link configuration is done by the Digital Turbine team. The following needs to be
provided in order to generate a SingleTap link.
1. App assets (see Modal for specifications)
2. App APK
3. Tracking link (optional)
Required Parameters
The following are required parameters that can be included in SingleTap links. The user
experience will break if these are not included.
Data Type
Example Values
Internal Digital Turbine identifier used to
associate campaigns.
Defines campaign associated with SingleTap
link. Used to look up modal assets (app icon,
creative, copy) and APK for download.
Optional Parameters
The following are optional parameters that can be included in SingleTap links. The user
experience will not break if these are not included; however, it can break if values are not
passed through correctly.
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Example Values
Defines click URL to be sent to MMP
or tracking partner for attribution.
Final value on ad serve must be URL
encoded and cannot include unsafe
Required Assets
Upon click, SingleTap presents users with a modal that includes the following
customizable assets:
1. App icon
2. App name
3. Category and size
5. App description
6. App creatives
7. App Privacy Policy URL  ex.
8. Terms of Use
10. Developer Name
11. Developer Contact (email) - ex. f[email protected]
12. Developer Link - ex.
13. Market URL  ex. market://details?id=com.example.your.package
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SingleTap can use existing assets if the target app is on the Google Play Store.
Alternatively, SingleTap can use custom assets to the following specifications:
Icon: 512px x 512px
App description character limit (above the fold): 100
App description character limit (full description): 4000
Creative size: 500px x 900px
Creative max slots: 8
Creative format: JPG or PNG
APK File Size
SingleTap has a file size limit of 500MB.
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Eligibility refers to whether or not a given device supports SingleTap. In order to be
eligible, a device must have Digital Turbine’s Ignite software installed, and it must be on
Android 6.0 or above.
Geographic Coverage
SingleTap is primarily available in the United States and Latin America. While there is
coverage in Europe and Asia, it is at a much lower rate.
In the US, SingleTap is available on devices from most major carriers, including Verizon,
AT&T, Cricket, Tracfone, and US Cellular. It is not available on Sprint, TMobile or Google
Pixel devices. Typical coverage in the US on existing devices is around 4060%
depending on targeting. Ignite is installed on about 75% of new Android devices sold in
the US, so we expect this number to rise over time.
Min OS Version: 6.0
Browsers: Chrome (default on LG and Moto), OEM Samsung browser (default on Samsung).
unsupported on Firefox and Opera.
Network Connectivity: A valid network connection is required. SingleTap Installs uses
customer/billable data, and thus can operate over any valid network connection, including
cellular or Wi-Fi. Note that a poor network connection may result in delays when downloading
Storage: There is no minimum storage requirement; however, target devices must have enough
available space on the user partition to install the target app. If the device has insufficient space,
SingleTap client will display an ‘insufficient storage’ warning (see Error Handling).
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Implementation and Tracking
Placing the Link
SingleTap leverages Android’s App Link functionality, which means that SingleTap must
receive direct user input. Typically, this requires that the SingleTap link be placed in the
“href” portion of the ad unit. SingleTap cannot be the recipient of a 302 redirect from an
ad serving or tracking service.
The flowchart below describes the call flows made when a user clicks on a SingleTap link:
SingleTap supports tracking through all mobile attribution platforms, including Adjust,
Appsflyer, Branch, Singular, and Kochava.
An MMP tracking link can be included inside a 'dvURL' parameter of the SingleTap link.
The tracking link must always be URL-encoded, and all dynamic macros need to be
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populated with URL-encoded values. If the macros are not replaced, the link will fail to
redirect properly.
Data Flow
The flowchart below describes how Ignite collects and sends data to an MMP partner for
Testing the SingleTap experience
Testing can be done simply by clicking on a SingleTap link from an eligible device. Tests
must be performed with an actual click and cannot be done by pasting the SingleTap link
directly into a browser address bar.
To confirm whether or not a specific device is eligible for SingleTap:
1. Go to Settings  Apps
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 If not already active, enable “Show System Apps” (specific text may vary by
Android OS version)
2. Scroll to the app “Mobile Services” or “Mobile Services Manager” (called “Verizon App
Manager” on Verizon devices)
3. Validate the app version number is  4.7
 For One Click flow eligibility, app version must be  5.3
Error Handling
Dropped Network Connection
If during the course of the app download the network connection changes or drops, SingleTap
will pause the download and resume when a valid network connection is reestablished. If
download fails for any reason, SingleTap will retry three times before triggering a ‘download
failed’ app notification informing the user of the failure.
No Network Connection
An app will not be downloaded if there is not a valid network connection. SingleTap will display a
dialog notifying the user that there is no valid connection. If SingleTap is unable to establish a
network connection after retrieving app details from the server, it displays a “No network
connection” message after 1 second, until a network connection is reestablished. If SingleTap is
unable to establish network connection when user taps install or any other hyperlink on the
modal, it displays a “No network connection” message with a CTA to “Retry” which reinitiates the
last action.
Simultaneous Downloads
If SingleTap is already downloading an app and a user initiates another download through the
SingleTap experience, SingleTap displays the message: "Your download is enqueued. Will begin
Operating System Crash
If an operating system crash occurs while a SingleTap install is in progress, SingleTap will
automatically retry installing any apps whose installation progress was interrupted by the crash.
Insufficient Storage
SingleTap will assess a device’s available storage immediately after a user taps the ‘install’
button. If an app file size exceeds the device’s storage capacity a warning message displays with
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the text “insufficient storage” along with a prompt to delete files and free up space.
Android Package is the package file format used by the Android operating system for
distribution and installation of mobile apps. Can refer to either Digital Turbine’s software
Ignite) or a publisher’s app.
App Link
App Links are links that take users to specific content directly in a target app (i.e.,
deeplinks). They are only available on Android Marshmallow 6.0 and upwards.
Hypertext REFerence  The HTML code used to create a link to another page. On an ad
unit, this is the component of a creative that specifies the redirect URL.
Ignite is Digital Turbine’s on-device software (an Android APK with special permissions
and privileges. Ignite retrieves SingleTap campaign data, displays app information in the
modal, and manages the download and installation of apps on the device.
Mobile Measurement Partners, or MMPs, are 3rd party solutions that provide app
marketers with a centralized mobile app tracking and attribution platform.
A modal is a window that appears in front of app content to provide critical information or
ask for a decision. A modal disables all app functionality when they appear, and remain on
screen until confirmed, dismissed, or a required action has been taken.
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