Converting reports from
Business Objects Crystal Reports
to Oracle BI Publisher
An Oracle White Paper
February, 2008
Converting reports from
Business Objects Crystal Reports
to Oracle BI Publisher
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3
High level comparison of Crystal Reports with BI Publisher .................... 3
Step-by-step conversion of Crystal Reports.................................................. 4
1. Convert Connection and Data Model ................................................... 5
1.1: Convert Connection to Data Source. ............................................ 5
1.2: Convert Crystal SQL to BI Publisher Data Model...................... 5
1.3: Convert Parameters .......................................................................... 6
1.4: Convert Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in
Functions, Custom Functions and Formula Fields............................. 7
2. Convert Layout ......................................................................................... 9
2.1: Open a Blank RTF............................................................................ 9
2.2: Get Sample data ................................................................................ 9
2.3: Create layout template...................................................................... 9
2.4: Preview and Upload Report.......................................................... 10
Crystal report conversion example ............................................................... 10
EmployeeSalaryReport............................................................................... 10
1. Analyze Connection and Data Model ................................................. 12
1.1: Connection to Data Source........................................................... 12
1.2: SQL query........................................................................................ 14
1.3: Parameters........................................................................................ 15
1.4: Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in Functions,
Custom Functions and Formula Fields............................................... 18
Convert Connection and Data Model ..................................................... 19
1.1: Convert Connection to Data Source. .......................................... 19
1.2: Convert SQL to Data Model......................................................... 19
1.3: Convert Parameters ........................................................................ 21
1.4: Convert Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in
Functions, Custom Functions and Formula Fields........................... 24
2. Analyze Report Layout ......................................................................... 26
Convert Report Layout .............................................................................. 31
2.1: Open a blank RTF.......................................................................... 31
2.2: Get Sample data .............................................................................. 31
2.3: Create Layout Template................................................................. 32
2.4: Preview and Upload Report.......................................................... 44
Conclusion........................................................................................................ 45
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 2
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher), formerly known as Oracle XML
Publisher, has been included as part of the Oracle Enterprise Business Suite for over
four years, and has successfully evolved to meet a wide range of business document
requirements. After its release as an independent product and option to the Oracle
Application Server in 2006, many companies have implemented it as a stand-alone
system to author, manage and deliver reports and critical business documents. In
addition, BI Publisher is included in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition,
Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise, and Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne as a way to
easily create, generate, and maintain highly formatted documents. Now that the
benefits of this product have been proven, there is a lot of interest in how to convert
reports from different reporting tools into BI Publisher. This paper provides a step-by-
step approach and an example on how to manually convert reports from Crystal
Reports® into Oracle BI Publisher reports.
Oracle BI Publisher, with its unique architecture of separating the data model from
layout enables multiple layouts per report and reduces the time and cost to create and
manage reports. Crystal Reports combines data query and layout definition into a single
.RPT file and a new report has to be created every time a requirement for new layout
arises even if another report already has the same data.
Oracle BI Publisher leverages familiar desktop applications – Microsoft Office Word,
Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft Office Excel to create layouts, enabling non-technical
users to comfortably create layouts for their reports. Crystal Reports has a proprietary
developer-oriented tool to create reports.
With the use of XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF), an open standard
technology for language translation, Oracle BI Publisher supports up to 185 languages
and 244 territories. Users do not need to install Oracle BI Publisher in a specific
language to build or view a report in that language. Crystal Reports has limited language
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 3
support (11 languages) and users may have to install separate report servers for each
language they want to support.
Oracle BI Publisher supports multiple delivery channels – email, ftp, secured ftp,
printer, fax, webDAV, AS2, CUPS server. Crystal Reports only supports email, ftp,
printer and Inbox delivery channels.
Despite the differences in architecture, design, translation and delivery, Oracle BI
Publisher enables you to create documents and reports equivalent to those you can
create with Business Objects’ Crystal Reports.
1. The sample reports used in this white paper were created in Crystal Reports
XI version. Even so, these steps are also generally applicable to reports
created with other editions and earlier versions of Crystal reporting tools.
2. Pre-requisites for converting reports are BI Publisher Template Builder and
BI Publisher Enterprise Server. The Server and Template Builder can be
installed on separate systems and downloaded from :
3. Some of the steps assume that you have appropriate access to view Crystal
Reports Designer Environment, Administrator level access to BI Publisher
Enterprise Server, and Administrator or Developer level access to Template
We can separate the conversion steps into two phases:
1. Convert Connection and Data Model
1.1. Convert Connection to Data Source
1.2. Convert Crystal SQL to BI Publisher Data Model
1.3. Convert Parameters
1.4. Convert Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in Functions, Custom
Functions and Formula Fields.
2. Convert Layout
2.1. Open a blank RTF
2.2. Get sample data
2.3. Create Layout Template
2.4. Preview and Upload Template
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 4
1. Convert Connection and Data Model
Crystal Reports supports various types of data sources. The following steps assume a
database as data source.
1.1: Convert Connection to Data Source.
The first step in converting a report is to get the details of the data source for the
report. In Crystal Reports Developer ®, use the Data Explorer to view the database
connection information. Crystal Reports Developer supports several data sources –
ODBC, Oracle Server, XML, etc. Once you connect, the Data Explorer displays the
database current connection, and on right click displays the properties option. The
properties dialog shows the database type (ODBC (RDO) or Oracle Server etc.), Data
Source Name or Service, User Id, and other related information. For ODBC (RDO)
data source type, you need to look at the Windows ODBC Administrator and locate
the DSN name to get the database server information. For Oracle Server data source
type, you need to locate the service name in TNSNames.ora file to read the database
server information. Crystal also supports JDBC (JNDI) data source type i.e., you can
choose either a JDBC or a JNDI connection. The details of this connection are
prompted from the Data Explorer or Database Expert.
To create a database connection in BI Publisher, logon and navigate to the Admin tab
of Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise. Create a JDBC data source using the database detail
that you captured. You can also create a JNDI data source by adding a JNDI service in
the Server to connect to the database and then by referring to the JNDI name from BI
Publisher JNDI set up.
1.2: Convert Crystal SQL to BI Publisher Data Model
Now that you know the data source, you need to investigate and convert the data logic.
In BI Publisher each report has a Data Model. A Data Model is composed of one or
more Data Sets. Data Sets can be one of several types such as a SQL query, a call to a
web service, or a reference directly to a file containing XML data. A Data Template is
a type of custom Data Set that provides more sophisticated control over report data
such as merging data from multiple queries, calling procedural routines, and defining a
hierarchy for the resulting XML data.
In Crystal Reports Developer, the data logic definition is found in the Database Expert.
Here it shows all the tables, commands or any other data source used in the report.
Also the commands can be viewed in the Database Expert. The query which fetches
data for the report can be viewed by opening the ‘Show SQL Query’ dialog under the
‘Database’ menu. This generally prompts for entering the parameters and the SQL
query includes the parameter value.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 5
In BI Publisher, you can add a new data set under data model and select data source
type as SQL Query. Copy the SQL query from Crystal Reports ‘Show SQL Query’
dialog window and paste it in the text area of BI Publisher data set.
Crystal reports supports database function as a data source, where the data logic is
defined in a function and the report simply calls the function. In such a case, you
should examine the function to determine what the function does. A Function
returning a single value can be handled by a SQL Query Data Set or a Data Template
but a complex function is best handled by a Data Template. If the Crystal report uses
REF CURSOR to retrieve a recordset, then you will need to use a Data Template. REF
CURSOR as a return value of a function is supported by BI Publisher but if the
function has a REF CURSOR as OUT or IN OUT parameters then you will need a
wrapper function with a return type as REF CURSOR or you can modify the original
function to return a REF CURSOR.
If the function contains a DML statement for data insert, update, or delete then you
should split the function into two parts; one part to handle the DML statements and
the other to handle the select query of the function. Any calculation or any DML
statement that needs to be executed before the select query is executed should be done
using beforeReport trigger. Similarly, any calculation or DML statement, which needs
to be executed after the query is executed and XML data is received on the Server,
should be done using an afterReport trigger.
1.3: Convert Parameters
Note: This is an optional step and is required only for reports that have parameters.
To find the parameters in Crystal Report, expand the Parameter Fields in the Field
Explorer. There can be several parameters defined in a report, but only those with a
check symbol are attached to the report. The details of each parameter can be viewed
by right clicking on the parameter and selecting edit option. The Formula Workshop
shows the role of these parameters in record selection.
Parameters in BI Publisher are defined in the Report Editor along with the Data
Model. These parameters can be passed to the database query or can be passed to the
layout for dynamic layout formatting.
Crystal Reports support parameters as input box, List of Values (LOV), range bound
parameters, cascading parameters, date parameter using a date picker.
In BI Publisher, input box is defined in the report editor as parameters with parameter
type as text. List of Values can be defined in the Report Editor as well; both static and
dynamic list can be created. Dynamic LOV is defined by writing an SQL query.
For range bound parameters, you can define two separate parameters; one input box to
enter the lower range and the other input box to enter the upper range. In case this
range has to be displayed in the report output, these two parameters can be
concatenated and displayed on the RTF template. Cascading prompt behavior can be
achieved in BI Publisher by defining parameters and associating each of them with a
List of Value. Since the List of Value gets data from a query the cascading relationship
should be built at the SQL query level where one LOV binds with another LOV. On
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 6
the UI of Parameter definition page, there is a check the box for ’Refresh other
parameters on change’ which enables the cascading behavior. The date parameter with
a date picker UI is also supported in BI Publisher.
Finally, to allow these parameters to associate with the report data, you will have to edit
the report SQL query which you copied from Crystal. The parameters passed will
become host variables in the report SQL query. In case of Data Template, the report
SQL query will be treated the same way and additionally you will have to include the
parameter names in the parameters section.
1.4: Convert Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in Functions, Custom Functions
and Formula Fields
Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in Functions, Custom Functions and
Formula Fields are very common in Crystal Reports. It is important to understand the
role of these features in every report before converting them. Summary Fields and
Running Total Fields are purely data calculation fields, but Built-in Functions, Custom
Functions and Formula Fields may apply to Report layout formatting as well.
Therefore, your first step should be to separate the Built-in functions, Custom
functions and Formula Fields into data calculation function and layout formatting
function categories. You need to evaluate whether these Formulae or Functions can be
handled at the time of Data Extraction, if so they would fall into data calculation
function category. If the formula field is a simple calculation then you can allow it to be
handled on RTF template as well, but most of the complex formula fields, custom and
Built-in functions should be converted into a PL SQL function. The formula fields and
Custom or Built-in Functions that contribute to the layout formatting of the report
would fall into layout formatting function category and they should be handled on the
RTF template.
Summary Fields:
A Summary Field in Crystal Report is used to create summary data within the group
footer or header. The summary Field allows you to create different types of calculation
– sum, average, count etc. – on any report field. You can check the details of
calculation by right clicking on the Summary Field and then selecting Edit Summary.
In BI Publisher, a Summary Field can be handled at the time of data extraction using
Data Template, where you can define an aggregate function (SUM, AVG, COUNT,
MIN, MAX) at group level in dataStructure section.
Also a Summary Field can be handled in the RTF template in BI Publisher by using
the Insert Fields from toolbar or Menu bar of the BI Publisher Template Builder by
selecting the calculation function from dropdown list and checking the ‘On Grouping’
checkbox. For the summary functions that are not available from the drop down list
you will have to modify the code beneath the inserted placeholder in the RTF template.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 7
Running Total Fields: The Running Total Fields in Crystal Reports are an advanced
version of Summary Fields. It evaluates the running total at different levels – for each
record, on change of field, on change of group, or based on a formula. Also it allows
the user to reset the running total value at different levels – for each record, on change
of field, on change of group, or based on a formula. Running Total Fields can be
created on any database column or a formula field.
To handle Running Total Fields in BI Publisher you should use the concept described
under title “Page-Level Calculations”, subtitle “Running Totals” in the BI Publisher
Users Guide. Use the updateable variable. The Running Total Fields that are reset on
change of group can be treated as Summary Fields and converted as described for
Summary Fields on the RTF template. If the Running Total Fields is built over a
Formula Field, then you can use a PL SQL function to define the Formula field. The
PL SQL function, when included in SQL query, will return data as XML element that
can be treated like any other XML elements for Running Totals. Another way to handle
Formula Fields under Running Total Field is to write the formula using XSL or BI
Publisher syntax on the RTF template.
Built-in Functions and Operators: There are several built-in functions and operators
provided by Crystal Reports. Some of them already exist as an equivalent function or
operator in BI Publisher; however, you will not find an equivalent function for several
of them. You will need to identify the complex Built-in functions that are related to
data calculation and convert them into PL SQL function. The simple built-in functions
can be handled at RTF template using BI Publisher code syntax.
Custom Functions: Custom Functions can be found at three places within Crystal
Reports Formula Workshop
Report Custom Functions
Repository Custom Functions
Under Built-in Functions - Additional Functions (Plug-in Functions)
First check if an equivalent function is already available in BI Publisher. For example,
Date, Number or Currency formatting etc. is already available in BI Publisher for
which you may have written a custom function in Crystal Reports. If the function does
not exist in BI Publisher then you should convert those functions that are related to
data calculation into a PL SQL function and should be called with in the SQL query
Formula Fields: The formula fields, as mentioned earlier, need to be evaluated and
separated out into the data calculation and layout formatting formulae categories. The
ones that fall into data calculation formulae category should be included as part of data
model in BI Publisher. You can create PL SQL function to handle such formulae and
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 8
they will be processed at database level. The PL SQL function can be called from the
SQL query and the corresponding calculated data will be part of the XML data.
It is a common practice to use custom Functions or Built-in Functions and Operators
in a Formula Field for code re-use. The same code reusability approach can be used
while converting them into PL SQL function.
2. Convert Layout
See the user guide of Oracle BI Publisher for details on supported features
related to layout design.
2.1: Open a Blank RTF
To start layout design open a blank document in Microsoft Word.
Note: In general starting with blank RTF is easier but in some situations you might
want to start with the editable RTF output from Crystal Reports and use it as the initial
template for BI Publisher. This technique may be helpful when the editable RTF
output file has not lost any formatting feature and the report has complex layout
formatting. For dynamic column reports and cross-tab reports blank RTF is the best
2.2: Get Sample data
Log on to the BI Publisher server from the Template Builder Add-in to Word and
open the newly created report to load XML data for template design.
Alternatively, you can log in to the BI Publisher server, view the report output data and
export the XML data. This XML data can be loaded from the BI Publisher Template
2.3: Create layout template
At a high level we can categorize a Crystal Report layout into three categories – layout
design, calculations and formatting.
2.3.1: Layout Design
Layout Design includes identification of report format – tabular, form or free form,
identification of data elements, hierarchy, grouping, sorting, and filtering. These
contents acts as the backbone of the report layout design.
To build the data organization in BI Publisher, you can select a wizard in Template
Builder. The ‘Table Wizard’ can handle most of the simple data organizations and the
Table/Form wizard can handle some complex formats involving nested grouping. You
can use the ‘Cross Tab’ wizard to build cross tab reports and ‘chart’ tool to insert
various types of charts. The Insert Field dialog allows you to simply insert one field at a
time. This can work along with the ‘Repeating Group’ feature in the Insert Menu of
toolbar to create complex formats.
2.3.2: Calculations
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 9
Calculations refer to all the indirect data values which are obtained from a built-in
function, Summary Field, expression, formula fields, custom functions or conditional
display logic, Parameters, etc.
In BI Publisher, first check if an equivalent built-in function exists. Next you can check
whether the layout formatting is available as Native Microsoft Word or RTF formatting
feature. If so, just apply the desired formatting using equivalent Word or RTF
formatting feature. If such a function does not exist then they need to be written as
code in the Text Form Fields or directly on RTF page using either BI Publisher syntax
or XSL syntax.
A sub-template can replace a complex formatting function or a re-usable formatting
function. Similar to functions parameters can be passed to these sub-templates and
variables can be shared between the main report and the sub-templates. These sub-
templates can even replace the sub-reports used for condition based formatting.
2.3.3: Formatting
Formatting refers to the visual display of data elements, table size, table borders, table
background, static text, images, background color, font size, font color, font style,
alignment, header and footer contents etc. Since BI Publisher can leverage Microsoft
Office Word for creating RTF templates, you have the access to all the formatting
functionality available in Word.
2.4: Preview and Upload Report
At anytime while creating the RTF layout you can preview what the final report will
look like in the desired output format. Navigate to ‘Preview Template’ under Oracle
BI Publisher menu or Toolbar to view the report in PDF, HTML, RTF or Excel
formats. Inspect the preview version of the report to check that you have replicated
the layout and formatting you want in the report. If not, continue to modify and then
preview until the report looks the way you want.
Once the template is complete, navigate to ‘Publish Template As’ under Oracle BI
Publisher menu. Enter a template Name and click OK on the next prompt to
complete the upload.
This is a very simple report covering some of the basic features to outline the
conversion steps. At a glance the output shows that the report data has been grouped
by Department and then by Manager. Total salary is the sum of annual salary of
employees reporting to a Manager and this is displayed as the last row of data under
each Manager. The report uses a banded format with alternate rows shaded in grey
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 10
Figure 1. Report output in PDF format using export option of Crystal Reports
Before starting the step-by-step conversion, it is important to understand the report
and its design in Crystal Reports. For this you need to view the report in Crystal
Reports Developer.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 11
Figure 2. EmployeeSalaryReport as seen in Design View of Crystal Reports Developer
The analysis of the report can be categorized into two sections – Report data (i.e.
Connection and Data Model) and Report Layout.
1. Analyze Connection and Data Model
1.1: Connection to Data Source
In Crystal Reports Developer, navigate to ‘Log On or Off Server’ under the ‘Database’
menu to open the Data Explorer.
Figure 3. Data Explorer
Right click on the database connection associated with this report and select properties.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 12
Figure 4. Database connection properties
From the database connection details, you know that this is an ODBC connection with
DSN name as XDOPC2. So, next you need to open the ODBC Data Source
Administrator and look for this DSN name.
Figure 5. ODBC Data Source Administrator
Click on Configure button to check the details of the ODBC data source.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 13
Figure 6. DSN configuration
The database in this example is which is a Microsoft SQL Server
1.2: SQL query
Next, navigate to ‘Show SQL Query’ to check the query:
Figure 7. Show SQL query dialog.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 14
The query as copied from Crystal is -
SELECT "Employee"."ManagerID", "Department"."Name" as
DepartmentName, "Employee"."EmployeeID",
"Employee"."Hiredate", "EmployeePayHistory"."Rate",
"Contact_1"."FirstName" MgrFirstName,
"Contact_1"."LastName" MgrLastName
" "EmployeePayHistory" INNER JOIN
"Department" INNER JOIN
tory" "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ON
"DepartmentID") INNER JOIN
"AdventureWorks"."HumanResources"."Employee" "Employee"
loyeeID") ON
") INNER JOIN "AdventureWorks"."Person"."Contact"
"Contact" ON
"Employee"."ContactID"="Contact"."ContactID") INNER JOIN
"Employee_1" ON
"Employee"."ManagerID"="Employee_1"."EmployeeID") INNER
JOIN "AdventureWorks"."Person"."Contact" "Contact_1" ON
where "EmployeePayHistory"."ModifiedDate" = (select
max("EmployeePayHistory"."ModifiedDate") from
"EmployeePayHistory" where
ORDER BY "Department"."Name", "Employee"."ManagerID",
1.3: Parameters
In Crystal Reports Developer, check the Parameters in the Field Explorer. There is one
parameter defined for this report - Department
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 15
Figure 8. Field Explorer view displaying the Parameter for this report.
Right-click on the parameter and check the details of the parameter.
Figure 9. Definition of Department parameter
Next, take a look at the Record Selection Formula Editor to see how the parameter
applies to the report. To view this, click on ‘Report’ Menu and then choose ‘Record’
under ‘Selection Formula’.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 16
Figure 10. Record Selection Formula Editor
The Department parameter checks for value ‘…All’ which will be one of the values to
select from a List of Values. In Crystal Reports ‘…All’ can be added using a union in
SQL query. This is defined under DeptPrompt as shown below:
Figure 11. Database Expert showing DeptPrompt
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 17
Figure 12. View Command displaying Query to add ‘…All’ to the List of Value
1.4: Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in Functions, Custom Functions and
Formula Fields
In Crystal Reports Developer, you can find all the formulae used in a report in the
Formula workshop. This sample report has three formula fields (refer to Figure 8) –
AnnualSalary, EmpName, and Manager. For demonstration we have used simple
Formulae definitions.
EmpName and Manager Formulae are simply concatenation of first name and last
name of Employee and Manager respectively. AnnualSalary formula field is a simple
calculation of billing rate and employment duration for each employee.
Figure 13. AnnualSalary Formula Field definition
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 18
Convert Connection and Data Model
1.1: Convert Connection to Data Source.
In BI Publisher, add a JDBC data source. Under Admin tab, select JDBC data source
type and add a new data source.
Data Source Name: sqlserver
Connection String:
Username : userid
Password : pwd
Database Driver Class:
Note: For BI Publisher to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2000, the following three
jar files are required in the WEB-INF\lib folder:
To connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, sqljdbc.jar file is required in the
WEB-INF\lib folder and the database driver class is:
All the jar files listed above are available with the SQL Server distribution media or can
be downloaded from
Figure 14. Defining JDBC connection to SQL Server in BI Publisher
1.2: Convert SQL to Data Model
In BI Publisher, create a new report and click on ‘Edit’ under the report name to view
the report editor page. Create a new Data Set under Data Model section with a name,
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 19
say 'query'. Select 'SQL Query' as data set type and 'sqlserver' as the data source
reference. Copy the SQL from the ‘Show SQL Query’ dialog of Crystal Reports
Developer and paste it into the SQL Query window for the Data Set, and save the
Figure 15. Defining Data Model in BI Publisher
Click on View link on the Report Editor page to verify that the data is generated from
the SQL query. At this time, the only output format available to view would be Data.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 20
Figure 16. Verify data in XML format.
1.3: Convert Parameters
First create a List of Values. Select List of Values in the left side Navigation of the
Report Editor and click the New button at the top of the tree to create a new List of
Enter a Name for the List of Values (e.g. deptLOV), select the ‘sqlserver’ data source
and enter the SQL Query that returns the values. The query here will be:
Select distinct “Department”.”Name”
from “Department”
order by “Department”.”Name”
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 21
Figure 17. Defining List of Values for Department Name
Save the query on the Report Editor.
Next you can create a Parameter definition with name ‘department’ and associate it
with the List of Value ‘deptLOV’.
Select Parameters on the Left Panel of Report Editor and click on ‘New’ above the
report tree to create a Parameter.
In the Parameter definition, enter 'Department' as the Identifier, Data Type of String,
Default Value of '*' and select Parameter Type as Menu. This displays the List of
Values you just created, i.e. deptLOV. Select deptLOV from the drop down list and
check the option ‘Can select all’ with ‘NULL value passed’ as the choice. This
configures the query to pass NULL value when ‘All’ is passed as parameter.
Figure 18. Defining parameter of Department
Click on ‘Save’ to save this parameter setting .
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 22
Next you need to associate the parameter with the SQL query that you defined in the
Data Model. In the SQL query you need to retrieve data only for that department
which is passed as parameter. The following condition has been added to the Where
and "Department"."Name" = isNull(:department,"Department"."Name")
See the modified SQL below:
SELECT "Employee"."ManagerID", "Department"."Name" as
DepartmentName, "Employee"."EmployeeID",
"Employee"."Hiredate", "EmployeePayHistory"."Rate",
"Contact_1"."FirstName" MgrFirstName,
"Contact_1"."LastName" MgrLastName
" "EmployeePayHistory" INNER JOIN
"Department" INNER JOIN
tory" "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ON
"DepartmentID") INNER JOIN
"AdventureWorks"."HumanResources"."Employee" "Employee"
loyeeID") ON
") INNER JOIN "AdventureWorks"."Person"."Contact"
"Contact" ON
"Employee"."ContactID"="Contact"."ContactID") INNER JOIN
"Employee_1" ON
"Employee"."ManagerID"="Employee_1"."EmployeeID") INNER
JOIN "AdventureWorks"."Person"."Contact" "Contact_1" ON
where "EmployeePayHistory"."ModifiedDate" = (select
max("EmployeePayHistory"."ModifiedDate") from
"EmployeePayHistory" where
and "Department"."Name" =
ORDER BY "Department"."Name", "Employee"."ManagerID",
IsNull function has been used here to handle ‘All’, i.e., whenever user Selects ‘All’ from
List of Value, BI Publisher will pass NULL to the query, and in case of null the value is
replaced by that of “Department”.”Name”, thereby removing the condition on
Department Name.
Save the query on the report editor page.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 23
To test that the Parameter and List of Values is working correctly, view the data to
verify the XML output.
Figure 19. Data using List of Values as Parameter
A dropdown list will appear on the report view screen. On selecting a department from
the dropdown list, you will view data for that department.
1.4: Convert Summary Fields, Running Total Fields, Built-in Functions, Custom Functions
and Formula Fields
The Formula Field ‘AnnualSalary’ as defined in Crystal Reports Developer can be
converted into a PL SQL function on the SQL server database as shown below.
( @Val1 float, @Val2 varchar(50))
declare @sal float
if datepart(yyyy,@Val2) < 2000
(select @sal= @Val1 * 8 * 300 + @Val1 * 20)
if datepart(yyyy,@Val2) >= 2000 and
datepart(yyyy,@Val2) < 2005
(select @sal=@Val1 * 8 * 300 + @Val1 * 15)
(select @sal=@Val1 * 8 * 300 + @Val1 * 10)
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 24
RETURN (@sal)
Note: The above function definition complies with MS SQL Server syntax. The syntax
can be changed accordingly to meet the requirements of other databases.
After compiling the function on the database, it can be called from the SQL query as
shown below:
SELECT "Employee"."ManagerID", "Department"."Name" as
DepartmentName, "Employee"."EmployeeID",
"Contact"."FirstName" + ' ' + "Contact"."LastName"
"Employee"."Title", "Employee"."Hiredate" as
EmpHireDate, "EmployeePayHistory"."Rate" Rate,
"Contact_1"."FirstName" + ' ' + "Contact_1"."LastName"
y"."Rate", "Employee"."Hiredate") as AnnualSalary
" "EmployeePayHistory" INNER JOIN
"Department" INNER JOIN
tory" "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ON
"DepartmentID") INNER JOIN
"AdventureWorks"."HumanResources"."Employee" "Employee"
loyeeID") ON
") INNER JOIN "AdventureWorks"."Person"."Contact"
"Contact" ON
"Employee"."ContactID"="Contact"."ContactID") INNER JOIN
"Employee_1" ON
"Employee"."ManagerID"="Employee_1"."EmployeeID") INNER
JOIN "AdventureWorks"."Person"."Contact" "Contact_1" ON
where "EmployeePayHistory"."ModifiedDate" = (select
max("EmployeePayHistory"."ModifiedDate") from
"EmployeePayHistory" where
") and "Department"."Name" = IsNull(:department,
ORDER BY "Department"."Name", "Employee"."ManagerID",
The text in bold above is handling the formula functions of Crystal Report.
Now you can see the all the data elements that you need for the report in BI Publisher.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 25
Figure 20. Final data in XML format
2. Analyze Report Layout
2.3.1: Layout Design
The data elements of this sample report are column names of the SQL Query. Then
the report output indicates grouping and sorting happening. To check the grouping,
open the group expert in Crystal Reports Developer.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 26
Figure 21. Group Expert
This report has two levels of grouping – By Department Name and then by Manager
(which is a Formula Field). Click on ‘Options’ button while a ‘Group By’ item is
selected to check the details of the grouping.
Figure 22. Group Options for grouping by DepartmentName
The DeparmentName will be sorted in ascending order. Select the Options tab to view
other details.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 27
Figure 23. No properties checked under Options Tab.
No option has been selected above. Similarly check the details for the nested Grouping
by ‘Manager’.
Figure 24. Grouping Options for Grouping by Manager
Here the group data is sorted by ‘Manager’ in ascending order. Click on Options tab to
check the grouping options.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 28
Figure 25. ‘Keep Group Together’ property checked.
The above configuration ‘Keep Group Together’ allows the data under a Manager to
not break across page.
2.3.2: Calculations
To check the formula used in the report for formatting open the Formula Workshop.
All the formulae used in the report layout will appear under section ‘Formatting
Formulas’ in the Formula Workshop.
Figure 26. Formula Workshop showing conditional row formatting
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 29
The above figure shows the formula used to add background color to the Detail
Section. The formula here would simply make the background color silver for alternate
rows of data.
Another thing to notice in the Formula Workshop is the Summary Field in the Group
Footer #2 with name ‘Sum of @AnnualSalary’, which is a sum of the formula field –
AnnualSalary. To see the details of the summary field point your cursor over the
Summary Field on the report design and right click. You will see the option ‘Edit
Summary’ as shown below.
Figure 27. Edit Summary for Summary Field on Crystal Reports Developer
On the Edit Summary Dialogue you can check the field used for summary and the
function used. In this report it’s a Sum function applied on the formula field
Figure 28. Summary Function used for the Summary Field
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 30
2.3: Formatting
Finally, you need to make a note of all the visual formatting applied on the Crystal
reports. In this sample report you can see the banded format and the background color.
Also the border of table and the column header background color can be noted.
This completes the analysis of this report, so you can now start converting this report
into BI Publisher.
Convert Report Layout
2.1: Open a blank RTF
Open a blank RTF file.
2.2: Get Sample data
Log on to the BI Publisher server (e.g. http://localhost:9704/xmlpserver) from the
Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder menu to load XML data for template design.
Figure 29. Login to Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise Server using Report Server URL
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 31
This will open the ‘Open Template’ dialog where you can see all the reports created
under different folders.
Figure 30. Browse reports in Open Template Dialog
Select the report by navigating to the appropriate folder and click on ‘Open Report’.
This will load data and the data information into the Template Builder so that you can
begin to place data fields, tables and charts onto your layout.
2.3: Create Layout Template
2.3.1: Convert Design Layout
In Microsoft Word document, select ‘Table Wizard’ from the insert menu of Template
Builder toolbar. This will open Table Wizard dialogue as shown below.
Figure 31. Table Wizard – report format selection
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 32
For this report you can select Table as the report Format.
Figure 32. Table Wizard – grouping field selection
This screen allows you to select a Data Set grouping level from a drop down list. Since
the data of this report has no hierarchy defined, it selects the default grouping level as
ROWSET/ROW. Click on Next button.
Figure 33. Table Wizard – field selection
In this screen you can select the fields that you want to display in the report. Also you
can set the order of the fields in top to bottom sequence that will form the order from
left to right for these fields when rendered by this wizard. Continue to the next screen.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 33
Figure 34. Table Wizard – Grouping
This screen allows setting of Group By fields and their sequence. Here ‘Manager’
Group By is nested within ‘DepartmentName’ Group By.
Figure 35. Table Wizard – sorting
Here the sort is for the table data, so select sort by Employeeid.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 34
Figure 36. Table Wizard – Edit Label Fields
The Labels default to the field names, so this screen allows you to edit the labels. Now
with this screen the table wizard is ready to create the initial template. Click on Finish
to get the following template design:
Figure 37. Initial design created by table wizard
Here all the data placeholder can be seen highlighted in grey.
2.3.2: Convert Calculations
This report has two calculations at layout formatting layer – condition for banded
formatting and summary field. Also it has date and salary field that need to be
formatted in a format.
To add the summary field to the report, insert another row to the table as shown below
and use insert Field from the Template Builder toolbar.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 35
Figure 38. New row for Total Field
Figure 39. Insert sum of AnnualSalary field
To insert the summary field , select the AnnualSalary field in the dialog , select
Calculation function ‘sum’ from the drop down list and check the ‘On Grouping’
checkbox. Click on ‘Insert’ button.
Next you should format the ‘AnnualSalary’ and ‘sum AnnualSalary’ fields to match the
salary data format of Crystal Reports. Double click on the text form field
‘AnnualSalary’ to open the ‘BI Publisher Properties’ dialog. Select formatting type as
‘Number’ and format as ‘$#,##0.00’. You can edit this format manually to include any
new format. Add a ‘Text to display’ label, which is just a label name to this text form
field. Follow the same steps for ‘sum AnnualSalary’ text form field.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 36
Figure 40. Formatting the AnnualSalary Field
Similarly, ‘Hire Date’ can be formatted to a date format of ‘MM/dd/yyyy’. The format
field is editable so you can enter the format manually.
Figure 41. Format Hire Date
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 37
Figure 42. Intermediate Template format
2.3.3: Convert Formatting
Next you can use the Microsoft Word Office Native feature of a table row to ‘allow
row to break across pages’ to handle the ‘Keep Group Together’. Insert a table of
single row and single column and right click to edit table properties.
Figure 43. Insert a new table for handling keep-together.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 38
Figure 44. Table Properties to set Options to keep data together
Uncheck the ‘Allow row to break across pages’ option. This will keep the data in a row
together and will not break across pages.
For this report you can include the content within ‘group by Manager’ inside this table
row, thereby making this group data to remain together.
Figure 45. Include the employee data and manager inside the table.
Next you adjust the font size, font style, alignment to match the Crystal Report output.
One of the steps towards pixel perfect report is to use tables to align the data precisely.
So you can add new tables to include Manager and Department labels and data.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 39
Figure 46. Cell margins removed for Department and Manager Cells and aligning fields.
You can make adjustments in the cell margins to align the Department and Manager
labels. Also cell margins can be removed from the outer table to align the employee
table with the labels above. The EmployeeID, AnnualSalary labels and data can be
aligned to right side.
Figure 47. Hiding table borders, adding background color to the employee table
Hide the table borders, add background color to the employee table heading. To match
the RGB combination of the color you can use any tool that can read RGB values from
a document.
Figure 48. Conditional Formatting in Template Builder
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 40
Next, while keeping the cursor in the EmployeeID column after the for-each
placeholder, you can select Conditional Formatting from the Insert menu of the
Template Builder toolbar. This will prompt a dialog as shown below.
Figure 49. Conditional Formatting for row
The dialog allows you to apply a condition on data elements available in the drop down
list. In this case you apply a custom condition that can be entered manually in the Data
Field as shown in the figure above.
Be sure to click the checkbox ‘Apply to Entire Table Row’ as this condition should
apply to entire table row. Then you can select the ‘Format’ Button to determine what
format to apply when the condition is met. In this case, background color for the table
row should be grey as shown below.
Figure 50. Selecting Background Color
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 41
Figure 51. Template design for report body
With all the changes done so far this is how your report body design would look like.
Next you need to include the header and the footer content. After applying all the
formatting to the template, your final template would look like the one below.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 42
Figure 52. Final template design.
Following is the list of code associated with each Text Form Field placeholders :
Text Form field Code
group ROW by
<?sort:./DepartmentName; 'ascending';data-
group by
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 43
<?if@row:position() mod 2=
color;'Silver'?><?end if?>
<?end for-each?>
end by Manager
<?end for-each-group?>
end ROW by
<?end for-each-group?>
2.4: Preview and Upload Report
Now, take a look at a preview of the final report to make sure the layout and
formatting is correct. Navigate to ‘Preview Template’ under the ‘Oracle BI Publisher’
menu or Toolbar to view the report in PDF, HTML, RTF, Excel or PowerPoint
formats. Now select ‘Upload Template As’ under the ‘Oracle BI Publisher’ menu to
publish this template on the BI Publisher Enterprise Server. Enter a template Name
and click OK on the next prompt to complete the upload.
Log on to the BI Publisher Enterprise Server, navigate to the ‘EmployeeSalaryReport’
under ‘My Folders’ and you will find that the report is ready to be viewed in PDF,
HTML, RTF, Excel and PowerPoint formats.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 44
Figure 53. Report output from Oracle BI Publisher in PDF format.
The above figure shows the PDF output which matches the Crystal Report PDF
output (Figure 1). This completes the conversion of this sample Crystal Report into BI
Publisher Report.
The Template Builder has lot more features that can be used during design time. Also
you can validate the template design for errors at any stage in the Template Builder.
The steps to convert will vary from one report to another based on complexity of data
extraction and the complexity of formatting involved. However, the step by step
approach would apply to most of the reports.
Converting reports from Business Objects Crystal Reports to Oracle BI Publisher Page 45
Converting Reports from Businesss Object Crystal Reports to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
February 2008
Author: Pradeep Kumar Sharma
Contributing Author: Mike Donohue
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