USPS - Mail Classifications
*New postal terms were established with the U.S. Postal Services'
Reclassification Reform on July 1, 1995
A. Priority Mail Express
Priority Mail Express service is the most expensive type of mailing offered by the
U.S. Postal Services. It is the only overnight service that can be delivered to
USPS post boxes.
Express mail service is a reliable, guaranteed 24-hour delivery service of material
able to be mailed up to 70 pounds to most major metropolitan areas.
Domestic Express Mail postage rates are based on weights and start at $16.95
for a half-pound and $19.99 for a flat-rat envelope.
Express mail services are unavailable at our Union Post Office. All Express mail
must be taken to a local Postal Office before 3:30 p.m.
B. First Class Mail
Any matter able to be mailed may be sent as First Class mail. First Class mail
consists of handwritten and type- written matter, bills and statements of account.
First Class mail is closed to postal inspection.
Domestic mail is any mail transmitted within the United States, its territories and
possessions, Army-Air Force (APO) and Navy (FPO) Post Offices.
Oversize/Underweight Mail: First Class mail weighing one ounce or less is non-
standard if it exceeds any of the following:
11.5 inches in length or
6-1/8 inches in height or
1/4 inches in thickness or
Aspect ratio (length divided by height) does not
fall between 1 to 1.3 and 1 to 2.5 inclusive.
There is an additional charge on each piece of non-standard mail.
Note: The U.S. Post Office may open any mail other than First Class to
determine whether the proper rate of postage has been paid.
C. Priority Mail
All First Class mail exceeding 13 ounces and not exceeding 70 pounds is
considered priority mail and, at the option of the mailer, any mail weighing 11
ounces or less. There is a size limit of 108 inches in combined length and girth
(distance around parcel at the thickest part). The rate is determined by weight
and distance. Priority envelopes are available free upon request from Mail
Flat rate containers (various size envelopes and boxes) are available. Whatever
fits in the container can go at the flat rate. Prices range from $5.60 - $17.45.
D. Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail
These are all mail services offered by the USPS for international mail. Please
call the local Post Office at 731-660-0147 for questions utilizing these services.
E. Business Reply Mail (BRM) (First Class Permit #1821)
Business Reply Mail Service enables mailers to receive mail back from
individuals by paying postage and fees on only the mail that is returned from the
original mailing. No special services (i.e., certified, registered, insured, etc) may
be used in conjunction with the BRM rate: First Class mail postage plus a
To ensure the proper printing of BRM mail pieces, Mail Services requests that
you use University Printing Services. They have the correct template from the
U.S. Postal Services to print mail pieces to meet BRMAS qualification and
thereby receive the greatest discount on the reply mail. Improperly printed mail
pieces will be charged the regular business reply rate.
Please contact University Printing Services for more information before printing.
F. Periodicals
Periodicals (formerly Second Class Mail) is generally used by newspapers and
other periodicals which meet the criteria established by the U.S. Postal Office. F
G. Standard Mail
Standard Mail is an economical way to mail. This class includes circulars,
newsletters and printed matter weighing less than 16 ounces which have been
reproduced by any process other than handwriting or typewriting. No personal
correspondence can be sent Standard Mail. See the Mail Handling Tips Section
for Standard mail procedures. Requires a minimum volume of 200 pieces or 50
H. Package Services
Package Services designation for parcels (non-letter mail) weighing 16 ounces or
more. The following types of mail fall within the Package Services:
Bound Printed Matter
Bound Printed Matter is typically catalogs, books and other printed matter that
weigh from one to fifteen pounds and not to exceed 108" in combined length and
girth. Single pieces must be marked "Bound Printed Matter", catalogs must also
be marked "Catalog or Catalog Rate". A bulk mailing of 200 pieces or more must
be marked "Bound Printed Matter and "Bulk Rate or Blk Rt".
Library Rate
Library rate is the most economical Package Service postage rate and is
intended primarily to serve libraries mailing books on loan. The rate, however,
can be used by University departments for certain other limited educational
materials such as films, recording tapes and other prescribed audio-visual
materials, scientific instructional kits, and museum and herbarium materials.
Each piece must be marked "Library Rate" or "Library Mail".
Media Mail
The Media Mail subclass is for any type of published media - books, CDs, DVDs,
play scripts, sheet music, test materials and so on. Advertising content is
severely restricted; for example, books may not contain advertisements beyond
incidental announcements for other books. Each piece must be marked Media
Mail Handling Tips
Most parcels must be handled several times before they reach their destination.
The quality of packaging makes a difference in the parcel's safe arrival.
Packages should be strong enough to retain and protect contents during normal
handling. Restrictions apply on the ability to mail certain items such as matches,
flammable liquids, and poisons. Please check with Mail Services if you have any
Acceptable containers include corrugated or solid fiberboard, paperboard (for
small items), metal cans, tubes or boxes, wooden boxes, and fiber mailing tubes
with metal ends. The strength of the tube ends must be equal to the tube side-
wall strength, unless the contents are lightweight, rolled items.
For easy loads of up to 5 pounds, paper bags and wraps are acceptable when at
least of a 50-pound basis weight (the strength of an average large grocery bag)
and the items are immune from impact or pressure damage. Do not use string or
staples to secure package.
Cellophane and masking tape may not be used for closure or reinforcement of
packages but may be used to augment adhesive closures on envelopes or to
cover staples on bags. Except for pressure-sensitive filament tape, tapes used
for closure and reinforcement may not be less than 2 inches wide. Non-
reinforced plastic tapes must be at least as strong in the cross direction as in the
machine (long) direction.
Packages containing breakable items should be marked "Fragile" above the
address, below the postage, and on the reverse side. Those containing foods or
other items which would decay should be marked "Perishable".
Address information should be clearly typed or printed on an address label
placed in the center of the parcel. The "To:" and "From:" should be clearly
Indicate what class the package should be sent. All packages with no mail class
indication will be sent First Class.
Outgoing Accountable and International Mail
If an outgoing accountable mail piece needs a "tracking number", Mai Services
will assign this number when postage is applied.
A. Registered Mail
The most secure option offered by the U.S. Postal Service is registered mail. The
service is designed to provide added protection for valuable and important mail.
Postal insurance may be purchased at the option of the mailer, up to maximum of
$25,000. Return receipt* and restricted delivery services (deliver only to a
specific individual) are available for additional fees. Registered articles are
controlled from the point of mailing to delivery. First Class postage is required on
all registered mail. Please write on your department mailing card that you wish a
mail piece to be registered and, if you wish to insure the item, how much
insurance you want. Registered mail cannot be sealed or secured with scotch,
masking, or any type of cellulose tape. USE BROWN PAPER TAPE ONLY. (this
can be obtained from Mail Services)
B. Insured Mail
Insurance is available for up to $5000 value for Standard mail. Standard matter
mailed at First Class rate must be endorsed "Standard Matter Enclosed" in
addition to the First Class or Priority Mail endorsement. For articles insured for
more than $50, a receipt of delivery is signed by the recipient and filed at the
delivery post office. Do not over-insure your packages. The amount of insurance
coverage for loss will be actual value, less depreciation, and no payments are
made for sentimental losses or for any expenses incurred as a result of the loss.
You may obtain a return receipt* and request restricted delivery for additional
fees. Please write on your department mailing card that you wish to have the mail
piece insured and the amount of insurance desired.
* Return receipts must be completed by the department and accompany the mail
piece. The return receipts (green cards for domestic, pink cards for international)
are available from Mail Services upon request.
C. Certified Mail
Certified mail is first class material for which the sender wants written evidence of
its delivery. Please write on your department mailing card that you wish the mail
piece(s) to be certified. Return receipt and restricted delivery is available for
additional fees. Certified mail does not provide insurance. Foreign mail cannot be
certified; it must be sent as registered mail.
D. Return Receipts
Return Receipts furnish the mailer with evidence of delivery. The fee paid for a
return receipt does not insure the article against loss or damage. It is available on
mail sent COD or Priority Mail Express or when mail is insured for more than
$50, or it is registered or certified. The return receipt shows who signed for the
item and the date it was delivered.
E. Certificate of Mailing
A certificate of mailing proves an item was mailed. It does not provide insurance
coverage for loss or damage. U.S.P.S. will provide a certificate of mailing receipt
for a fee, but no other record is maintained at the U.S. Post Office.
F. International Mail
There are five principal categories of international mail that are primarily
differentiated from one another by speed of service. They are Global Express
Guaranteed (GXG) service, Priority Mail Express International service, Priority
Mail International service, First-Class Mail International service, and First-Class
Package International Service.
Global Express Guaranteed
Global Express Guaranteed is the U.S. Postal Service’s premium international
mail service. Global Express Guaranteed is an expedited delivery service that is
the product of a business alliance between the U.S. Postal Service and FedEx
Corporation. It provides reliable, highspeed, timedefinite service from
designated U.S. ZIP Code areas to locations in most destination countries.
Global Express Guaranteed is assured to meet destinationspecific delivery
standards or the postage will be refunded. If a shipment is lost or damaged,
liability for loss or damaged merchandise or for document reconstruction is
limited to a maximum of $100 or the amount of additional optional insurance
purchased. The maximum weight limit for Global Express Guaranteed
service is 70 pounds, but lower country-specific weight limits might apply.
Express mail services are unavailable at our Union Post Office. All Express mail
must be taken to a local Postal Office before 3:30 p.m.
Priority Mail Express International
The next level of service, in terms of speed and value-added features, is
Priority Mail Express International. Priority Mail Express International is an
expedited mail service that can be used to send documents and merchandise to
most of the country locations. Priority Mail Express International insurance
coverage against loss, damage, or missing contents, up to a maximum of
$200, is provided at no additional charge. Additional merchandise insurance
coverage up to $5,000 may be purchased at the sender’s option to many
countries. Document reconstruction insurance coverage is limited to a maximum
of $100 per shipment. Country-specific maximum weight limits range from
22 pounds to 70 pounds. Priority Mail Express International shipments offer a
date-certain, postage-refund guarantee to select destinations: Express mail
services are unavailable at our Union Post Office. All Express mail must be taken
to a local Postal Office before 3:30 p.m.
Priority Mail International
This classification is primarily designed to accommodate larger and heavier
shipments whose size and/or weight exceeds the limits for First-Class Mail
International Service or First-Class Package International Service. For countries
that offer parcel service, maximum weight limits range from 22 pounds to 70
pounds. To determine the maximum weight limit for each country, call Mail
Services at 731-661-5290. At the sender’s option, extra services, such as
insurance coverage and return receipt service, may be added on a country-
specific basis.
Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and Small Flat Rate Priced
Boxes provide customers with an economical means of sending
correspondence, documents, printed matter, and lightweight merchandise
items to foreign destinations. The maximum weight limit is 4 pounds.
Registered Mail service is available for Priority Mail International Flat Rate
Envelopes and Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes. Insurance is not available for
Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes.
First-Class Mail International
First-Class Mail International is a generic term for mail pieces that
are letter-size or flat-size, that weigh 4 pounds or less, and that have a
value that is $400 or less. First-Class Mail International items may contain any
letter-size or flat-size mailable matter that is not prohibited by the destination
country. Aerogrammes are no longer available for purchase. Previously
purchased aerogrammes are mailable at the applicable First-Class Mail
International letter-size price. At the sender’s option, extra services, such as
Registered Mail and return receipt, may be added on a country-specific basis
First-Class Package International Service
First-Class Package International Service is a generic term for mail pieces
that are package-size (small packets), that weigh 4 pounds or less, and that
have a value of $400 or less. First-Class Package International Service items
may contain any package-size item (small packet) that is not prohibited by the
destination country. At the sender’s option, extra services, such as registry
and return receipt, may be added on a country-specific basis.
Mr. Thomas Clark
117 Russell Drive
CITY and/or COUNTY + Postal
Apartado 3068
CITY and STATE + Postal Code
Mr. John Doe
117 Russell Drive
Victoria BC V8W 3N6
CITY and PROVINCE + Postal
Weight limit for letters and letter packages is 4 pounds or less.
Weight limit for parcels is 22 70 pounds (varies by country).
International Mail can be Registered not Certified.
Customs forms are required on all international mail weighing 16 ounces or
more. The small green form (PS Form 2976) is used for items valued at $400 or
less. The large white form (PS Form 2976-A) is used for items valued at more
than $400 and all parcels. Both forms are available at our local post office.
For further information, contact Mail Services at 731-661-5290