Frequently Asked Questions
· What is the British-Irish Visa Scheme (BIVS)?
The British-Irish Visa Scheme allows for mutual recognition of short-stay visas between the
UK and Ireland. This means that a British short stay visa will be valid for travel onward to
Ireland, and an Irish short-stay visa will be valid for travel onward to the UK. Visas that are
valid for use under this scheme will have ‘BIVS’ endorsed on them.
· Why is it happening?
The Scheme will promote legitimate travel between Ireland and the United Kingdom,
helping more tourists and business visitors to travel. It supports joint Irish and British
measures to secure the external border of the Common Travel Area (CTA), to ensure
smooth processing of legitimate visas and tackling abuse.
· What is the Common Travel Area?
The Common Travel Area comprises Ireland and the United Kingdom. For citizens of those
countries, there are no passport controls between the two countries.
The launch of the BIVS will mean that visitors can travel throughout the Common Travel
Area on one visa. For the purposes of this scheme, the Common Travel Area excludes the
Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
· Is this the same as Schengen?
No. Neither Ireland nor the United Kingdom are part of the Schengen zone.
· What are the benefits?
Previously a traveller intending to travel to Ireland and then on to the UK had to apply for
two separate short-stay visas which required two application processes and two application
fees. Now the applicant only needs to apply once. It will also be possible to make
spontaneous trips to Ireland or the UK eg if a person is visiting Dublin, they could decide to
take a day-trip to Belfast without needing to apply for a further visa.
· Should I apply for a British or an Irish visa?
You should apply for your visa from the country in which you will arrive first. If you plan to
travel to Ireland first, and then go the UK, you should apply for an Irish visa.
If you apply for a multiple-entry visa, you should note that each time you travel you must
arrive first in the country which issued your visa (Please note the Irish Short Stay Visa Waiver
Programme has been extended until 31 October 2016).
· How do I know if I have the right visa?
If your visa has BIVS marked on it, it can be used to travel to both Ireland and the UK. You
must land first in the country which issued your visa.
· Where do I apply? How do I apply?
All Irish visa applications must be submitted to a Visa Application Centre (VAC). First you
should complete an online application form here: You will then be given a link to
information on our Visa Application Centres. At the VAC, you will be asked to provide
biometric information.
· What biometric information will be taken?
Your photograph will be taken, and ten finger-prints. Your signature will also be scanned.
· Why do I have to give biometric information?
This is part of an overall agreement between Ireland and the United Kingdom to secure the
external borders of the Common Travel Area, in order to facilitate and encourage legitimate
travel and to prevent abuse.
· Where are the Visa Application Centres?
Please click on VFS for the location of these Centres.
· Can I apply for an Irish Visa at any Visa Application Centre?
You can apply to the VAC which is most convenient for you.
· How much does it cost?
Please follow these links for information on Visa Fees & VFS service charge and payment
· Will my visa application fee be returned if I change my mind and decide not to
proceed with my application?
Once the on-line payment is completed the fee cannot be refunded.
· Who makes a decision on my visa application?
If you apply for an Irish visa, the Irish Visa Office will make a decision on your application. If
you apply for a British visa, the British Visa Office will make a decision on your application.
· Who will be eligible?
Anyone who is visa-required to travel to or enter both Ireland and the United Kingdom, who
is applying for a short-stay visa, and who has given biometric information as part of their
application, will be eligible for the scheme.
The scheme was launched in China in October 2014, India in February 2015 and will be
rolled out in other countries later. Currently, Chinese/Indian citizens who apply for their
short-stay visa in China/India will be able to avail of the scheme.
· Which types of visa applications will the scheme apply to?
A) Irish visas
Indian nationals with the following short-stay ‘C’ visas (single-entry or multiple-entry) can
travel to Ireland as well as on to the United Kingdom if their visa is endorsed with the label
Visit (family/friend)
Visit (tourist)
B) UK Visas
Indian nationals with the following UK visitor visas can travel to Ireland after the UK if the
visa is endorsed with the label ‘BIVS’:
General Visitor visa
Business Visitor visa
Child Visitor visa (accompanied only)
Family Visitor visa
Entertainer Visitor visa
Sports Visitor visa
Parent of a Child at School visa
Approved Destination Scheme (ADS)
Prospective Entrepreneur visa
Private Medical Treatment Visitor visa (except for visitor under 18) Only for 6 months or less.
Student Visitor visa Only for 6 months or less.
Category D vignettes
Permitted Paid Engagement visa (short term)
· Are there circumstances where my visa will not be endorsed with the ‘BIVS’
endorsement and, therefore, not eligible for use under the Scheme?
Yes, each jurisdiction maintains the decision-making power in relation to applications for
visas to travel to or enter their jurisdiction as first point of entry into the Common Travel
Area, and may decide not to enter the ‘BIVS’ endorsement for a number of reasons, for
example if you are subject to an exclusion order from the other country.
· What if I’m flying to Ireland first, but my flight transits through a UK airport?
That is fine, and you can do that with a BIVS visa issued by Ireland. You will need to
complete the transit and travel to an official port of entry in Ireland within 24 hours of
arriving at the UK airport.
· If I have an Irish visa, how many times can I visit the UK, and vice versa?
You can visit as many times as you like, within the permitted duration of stay as decided by
the Irish immigration officer when you first arrive. Your permitted duration of stay will be
stamped on your passport when you first arrive. When you apply for an Irish visa, you will
need to demonstrate that Ireland is your primary destination.
· If I have an Irish visa endorsed with BIVS, can I visit Northern Ireland?
Yes. Once you have arrived first in Ireland, you can then visit Northern Ireland.
· If I get a multiple-entry short-stay Irish visa, do I have to enter Ireland first every
time, or just the first time I use the visa?
If you have an Irish BIVS visa, you will have to enter Ireland first every time you use the visa.
Once you leave the Common Travel Area to any other country, the next time you enter the
Common Travel Area you must arrive in Ireland first.
· If I get a multiple-entry short-stay United Kingdom visa, do I have to enter the
United Kingdom first every time, or just the first time I use the visa?
It depends. If travelling on an eligible UK Visa, re-entry to the Common Travel Area is
allowed to the UK during the period of validity of the UK visa or to Ireland during the period
of validity of the UK visa and current leave to enter or remain in the UK. If the person does
not have current leave to enter or remain in the UK, re-entry to the CTA must be through
the UK. (Please note the Irish Short Stay Visa Waiver Programme has been extended until 31 October 2016).
· I already have a multiple-entry short-stay visa for the United Kingdom, and I have
used this before to travel to Ireland under the Irish Short-Stay Visa Waiver Programme.
Will this still be possible when the new scheme is introduced?
You can continue to use your existing multiple-entry short-stay UK visa for entry to Ireland
under the Irish Short-Stay Visa Waiver Programme until that programme expires on 31
October 2016.
· I already have an Irish short stay visa. Can I use that to enter the UK?
No, you will need a new visa. The scheme will apply to Irish short-stay visas issued after the
launch of the scheme on 10/02/2015 and which have BIVS marked on them.
· Are students eligible?
No. Only short-stay visas are eligible under the scheme. If you travel to Ireland on a long-
stay student visa, you must apply for a separate British Visa if you wish to visit the UK.
· What about visa applications from residents of Nepal?
The BIVS has not yet been launched in Nepal. However please note visa applications from
residents of Nepal must now be submitted through the VFS application centre in
Contact VFS Kathmandu
· What about visa applications from residents of Bangladesh?
The BIVS has not yet been launched in the Bangladesh. However please note visa
applications from residents of Bangladesh must now be submitted through the VFS
application centre in Kolkata or directly by post to the Visa Office.
Contact VFS Kolkata
· What about visa applications from residents of Sri Lanka?
The BIVS has not yet been launched in Sri Lanka. Visa applications from residents in Sri
Lanka should continue to be submitted to the Honorary Consul General in Colombo.
Contact Honorary Consul General
· I am applying for a short-stay visa under EU Freedom of Movement Rights. Is the
process the same for me?
If you are a beneficiary of Directive 2004/38/EC (the ‘Free Movement Directive’) i.e. a
‘qualifying family member’ of an EU/EEA /Swiss Citizen and are attending at a visa
application centre for the purpose of providing your biometric information you are required
to pay a reduced service charge.
You have the option of submitting your supporting documents to the relevant Irish consular
facility yourself or availing of the service offered by the visa application centre. If you avail
of the service offered by the visa application service you will be required to pay the service
charge at a reduced rate.
· Where can I get more information?
You can read a detailed information note here. If you have a question that is not answered
above or in the information note, please email [email protected]