Address: 200 Can
Partnering Governments. Providing Solutions.
FEBRUARY 26, 2021
Corporate structure of VFS Global Inc. parent companies, subsidiaries, contractors and
VF Worldwide Holdings Ltd (“VFS Global” or “VFS”), registered in Dubai, is the company’s global
operational entity.
As we have stated to Canadian media and the committee, VFS Global has no Chinese ownership. All
of VFS Global’s operations and entities, including those in China (operating as VFS China), are
structured under our corporate entity VFS Global. VFS Global is owned and controlled by EQT, a
global investment organization based in Stockholm, Sweden. The Swiss-based Kuoni and
Hugentobler Foundation has a minority investment stake in VFS Global. VFS Global is part of EQT’s
investment fund EQT VII. VFS Global AG and VFS Global Investments AG, both registered in
Zurich/Switzerland are part of EQT’s investment fund EQT VII.
VFS operations in China
In China, VFS Global’s operations are registered under VFS Business Information Consulting
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd ("VFS China"), which is 100% owned by VF Worldwide Holdings Ltd. VFS
Business Information Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. was incorporated in 2005 and started visa
application operations in China in 2005. VFS China has no subsidiaries within or outside of China. It
has four branches - in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou. VF Services (Hong Kong) Pvt
Limited provides our services in Hong Kong.
It is common practice in China that state-owned organizations are invested in commercial entities in
many different industries. All foreign companies in China in the visa application sector, like VFS
Global, operate with locally-owned or state-owned Facility Management Companies (FMCs).
Key dates for VFS Global’s relationship with the Government of Canada
2007: VFS Global was awarded the initial contract for operating the Canada Visa Application
Centers (VACs) in China
2008: VFS Global started operations of the VACs in 4 cities in mainland China - Beijing,
Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou
2012: VFS Global was awarded a global VAC contract to operate Canada VACs in several
countries across the globe including China
2013: VAC operations under this global contract began in China and Hong Kong in 2013.
2017: VFS Global expanded the Canada VAC network in mainland China to 11 cities by
commencing operations in the cities of Wuhan, Shenyang, Jinan, Hangzhou, Nanjing,
Chengdu and Kunming
Address: 200 Can
Partnering Governments. Providing Solutions.
2018: After a competitive tender process, VFS Global was once again awarded a global VAC
contract to operate Canada VACs in several countries across the globe including 11 VACs
in mainland China and 01 VAC in Hong Kong.
Beijing Shuangxiong Foreign Service Company (BSFSC)
Beijing Shuangxiong Foreign Service Company (BSFSC) was our sole FMC in 2005 for our pan-
China VAC operations. We accordingly recommended their name to all our client governments who,
in turn, and in accordance with established protocols and local law requirements, nominated them to
the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, authorizing them to operate VACs in the relevant cities of
operations in China for that particular client government.
When VFS Global responded to the 2007 RFP for the outsourcing of Canada VAC operations in
China, full details of all our FMCs operating across the different cities in China were included in our
The visa outsourcing business, referred to as the “Entry & Exit Services” in China, required foreign
companies to partner with local companies for operations of VACs in accordance with Chinese
law. Virtually all foreign companies in China, like VFS Global, operate with locally owned or state-
owned FMCs.
Prospective FMCs are required to have Entry & Exit Servicesor “Visa-related Services” mentioned
in the scope of their business licenses. Prospective FMCs need to be financially sound to set up VAC
infrastructure, hire and retain quality resources, procure and deploy equipment (e.g. office, furniture,
displays, keyboards etc.) following VFS guidelines.
VFS followed the established protocol of recommending BSFSC to the Canadian Embassy for them
to conduct their due diligence on the FMC and to have them appointed to operate the Canada VAC in
Beijing. Once approved by Canada, the Canadian Embassy confirmed this in writing to the Chinese
Ministry of Public Security.
As our services for Canada expanded in China, we accordingly recommended other FMCs to the
Canadian mission for operations of Canada VACs in other cities.
Please refer to the details of all our FMC’s managing the Canada VACs in mainland China and Hong
Address: 200 Can
Partnering Governments. Providing Solutions.
Note that TT Services is a fully owned entity of VFS Global Investments AG, Zurich/Switzerland. TT
Services does not operate in China. It operates Canada VACs in the Americas.
Number of CCP members employed by VFS Global or its subsidiaries or contractors.
a) Number of CCP members from each of the individual subsidiaries and subcontractors
of VFS Global
b) particularly the breakdown for the VAC in Beijing, including Beijing Shuangxion
Chinese law provides workers with equal employment opportunities and equitable conditions of
employment to avoid discriminatory employment practices. Under the law, the employees are under
no obligation to share their political affiliations with their employers. Accordingly, it is not feasible for
an employer to obtain information regarding political affiliations of their employees, while respecting
their privacy rights.
As the committee will know from its study, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the sole governing
party of the People's Republic of China and had more than 90 million members in 2019. CCP
grassroots organizations are common in China and have been established in nearly all state-owned
and private enterprises. It would therefore not be surprising, as would be the case with any company
Address: 200 Can
Partnering Governments. Providing Solutions.
operating in China, if CCP members were among VFS Global’s employees or the staff of our FMCs in
All of our employees, regardless of their political party membership or affiliation, are subject to the
same rigorous security screening, background checks and protocols that apply to our operations
around the world. In accordance with the requirements of the Canadian government, we conduct deep
identity, credit, criminal, residency, education and employment checks on all of our employees before
they are hired.
We also ensure the following robust physical security and data protection measures at our VACs,
which apply to all employees and visa applicants, comprising Chinese and any third country nationals.
a. Screening of all staff and applicants at the VAC entrance: Screening is performed by IRCC-
cleared personnel at the entrance. This applies to visa applicants as they enter the VAC; and staff
are screened when entering and exiting the VAC, to ensure the staff do not possess any
personally identifiable information (PII) data or office assets.
b. No-mobile policy and implementation: Use of mobile phones inside the Canada VAC is not
permitted. Applicants are requested to switch off their mobiles before entering the premises.
Canada VAC staff hand over their mobile devices to the VAC Managers upon entering the VAC
and retrieve them when leaving for the day. Staff mobiles are kept in a centralized controlled area
with live monitoring by VAC managers.
c. CCTV monitoring: CCTV cameras are installed in the Canada VACs and the digital video
recorder (DVR) is kept in a secured area. The access to CCTV is only provided to IRCC-cleared
VAC Managers for monitoring. The DVRs are password protected.
d. Hardening of devices and monitoring of e-mail traffic: Desktops installed at the Canada VACs do
not permit the copying or downloading of any data. USB access is disabled in all desktops
installed at the Canada VACs to prevent copying of any data to an external media drive. All VAC
staff access their machines through a unique user ID and password and e-mail access is
restricted to those roles requiring its use. E-mail traffic is monitored by the information security
e. Data Management: We do not store any personal data related to a visa application. Data is
purged from our systems within 30 days of a case being closed, in accordance with IRCC
regulations. All data servers transferring China Visa applications to IRCC are located in Canada.
We operate no servers for IRCC in China, and IRCC also conducts unannounced audits to review
the integrity of our systems.
All these measures are managed and controlled by VFS Global. FMC management, owners or
investors have absolutely no access to any data at these visa application centres and no IT
infrastructure access. They cannot influence the visa application process set by client governments.
Notwithstanding any potential CCP related structure or hierarchy in an FMC, party membership has no
influence on the integrity of the visa application process, nor on how a VAC is operated. This process
is defined only by VFS Global in full compliance with the regulations of the Canadian government.
Given all the security safeguards we deploy, there is no basis for the concerns expressed that visa
applicant information collected at VFS-operated VACs is somehow communicated to the CCP, the
government of the PRC or any other unauthorized third parties.
Address: 200 Can
Partnering Governments. Providing Solutions.
Finally, we underscore that Canada Visa Application Centres do not receive applications from
Canadian nationals or process data belonging to them.
Does VFS or its subcontractors use any Huawei hardware/equipment in its facilities for the
Canadian government in China?
We do not procure or use Huawei branded hardware equipment for the visa application submission
process in any of our Canada VACs in China. In some Canada VACs the Internet Service Providers
(ISP) have installed Huawei routers as part of their connectivity setup. This raises no cybersecurity
concerns. The routers, regardless of brand or configuration, cannot provide a “back door” to the data or
other unauthorized access. All data is fully encrypted in real-time at the point of entry and only
transferred via a 256-bit encrypted VPN tunnel managed by VFS Global and this mitigates
cybersecurity concerns with respect to Huawei routers. VFS Global does not have any servers in China
where applicant data is stored. Applicant data is transmitted fully encrypted to servers in Canada
immediately after the entry. Only IRCC authorized personnel, have access to the fully encrypted visa
application data and biometric data is accessible to Canadian government officials only.
We have deployed security tools and technologies on systems in visa application centres to ensure the
security of our infrastructure and access controls. Security systems and policies are governed and
controlled by VFS Global and undergo regular audits by the client government. Our global IT
Infrastructure is monitored comprehensively by a specialist Security Operations Centre based in the
UK which has the capability to detect and alert any cyber-attack directed towards our systems. In all
our years operating in China, we have not had any cybersecurity incidents for any of our client