Washington County 2021
4-H Awards
Sunday, November 7
Its time to CELEBRATE how...
4-H GROWS Leaders
4-H GROWS Motivation
4-H GROWS Curiousity
4-H GROWS Families
Installation of County Council & ELITE Members
4-H Adult Volunteer Awards
CBI Bank & Trust Participation Awards
Washington County Special Awards
Dessert Intermission Dance Party
ELITE Project Team
4-H Project Awards
Club Community Service Award
Leader Recognition
1st Year Members & Senior Recognition
Recognition for Outstanding Record Books**
**Each club will be called individually. All members receiving a record book award should come
to the front. Please check the club list on the following pages for your name ONLY those listed
should come forward. Please hold all applause until the end of each clubs awards. Thank you!
Photos from Awards Night will be posted next week on Washington County 4-H—
IowaFacebook. Program available later this week at https://
Winter Project Extravaganza (Dec 4) details coming soon! Limited spots available!
2021-2022 County Council
Taylor Bartholomew*
Lilly Clark
Grace Coble*
Zoey Dennler*
Kyleigh Dolan
Grant Garman
Taylor Garman
Halli Hershberger*
Alexa Huber*
Mariyah Kron
Katie Leichty*
Annie Morrison
Alexandrea Murphy
Anna Nafziger*
Payton Peck
Blake Peck*
Kaylee Shirkey
Carmen Sieren
Greta Sieren*
Emma Stalder
Haylie Trowbridge
Braydon Younge
Amy Green
Bridget Litwiller
*New member for
Jason Anderson
Kathleen Brinning
Ashley Conrad
Kim Carter
Lindsay Crawford
Karen Dennler
Kathy Dolan
Melinda Eakins
Kim Farrell
Barbie Ford
Theresa Hora
Tye Rinner
Stephanie Sexton
Randy Stalder
Jeremy Statler
Julie Stout
Mike Todd
Bret West
2021-2022 4-H ELITE Project Team
Grace Conway
Dakota Longbine
Bailey Rees
Rob Taylor
Cherry Sandeen**
** Adult Sponsor
4-H & Youth Committee
Outstanding & Honorable Mention Record Books
CBI Bank & Trust 4-H Participation Awards
Bows & Bullets
Zane Fisher**
William Dunbar
Caden Heisner
Annie Morrison**
Max Peterson
Caroline Richardson**
Darrin Richardson
Crooked Creek
Lilly Clark**
Cayten Coakley
Grace Coble**
Javan Davis**
Aubrey Eichelberger*
Katie Leichty**
Morgan Leichty**
Ally Rinner
Cameron Rinner
Emily Rinner
Maggie Rinner
Natalie West
Nicholas West
Dutch Creek Flyers
Brynn Conrad
Mia Conrad
Reese Conrad
Ella Greiner
Garrett Greiner
Halle Heisdorffer
Averi Janecek
Aiden McGuire
Brennan McGuire
Carmen Sieren**
Charlotte Sieren**
Gavin Sieren
Greta Sieren**
Zoey Sieren
Ashton Thomas
Franklin Cubs
Clayton Bartholomew
Taylor Bartholomew**
Grant Berdo**
Sarah Berdo**
Tess Berdo**
Kendall Conway
Hayden Janecek
William Longbine
Isabelle Reed
Green Acres
Ellie Callahan*
Meredith Campbell*
Emma Chenoweth
Lauren Drahota*
Mila Hansen*
Avery Herteen
Ethan Hotchkiss*
Zach Hotchkiss*
Paige Malichky**
Piper Malichky**
Brynn Northup*
Morgan Northup**
Ally Rees**
Bailey Rees**
Blaine Rees*
Hannah Rodgers**
Nora Stoutner**
Kelsi Cerny
Courtney Chalupa
Marissa Chalupa
Ellie Evans
Adyson Gerot
Delaney Gerot
Reese Good
Brena Hazelett
Halle Hazelett
Addy Kloepfer
Gwen Piette
Shauna Sublette
Brock Thomann
Erika Thomann
Madison Thomann
Horse and Pony
Austin Black**
Zoey Dennler**
Bella Dickinson*
Carsen Mellinger
Jonathon Moore
Justin Moore
Taylor Moore
Joselyn Myers
Cashden Pepper
Ryen Pepper
Teage Pepper
Charlee Read**
Kaden Read**
Bryce Roth
Haylie Trowbridge**
Independent Member
Isabelle Duvall
Jackson Jets
Emma Alderton**
Tyler Alderton**
Kalona Klassics
Isadora Goode**
Gunner Goode*
Brock Lowenberg
Logan McClellen
Fiona McClellen*
Joanna Vakulich
Limecreek Limelights
Molly Birky
Adrienne Blauvelt
Grace Conway
Elliott Debler
Zoe Fisher**
Brylee Gearhart
Ty Gearhart
Alexa Huber
Callie Huber
Macie Ihrig
Kinzlee Kiefer**
Sydney Knebel
Madilynn Liska
Isabelle Litwiller**
Kaitlin Martin**
Erica McDowell
Anna Nafziger**
Morgyn Nafziger**
Carly Nickell
Grace Puttmann**
Sophia Puttmann**
Elijah Puttman**
Kennah Robertson**
Kaylee Shirkey
Grace Skelton
Sydney Skelton
Addison Skelton
Kylee Statler
Olivia Utzinger
Tate Bombei**
Tessa Bombei*
Alex Conrad**
Eli Conrad**
(Continued on the next page)
*Participant of Merit
**Participant of Excellence
5 Years: Brandon Freel, Dave Gerot
Carrie Garman, Emily Baetsle,
Jamie Martin, Jessica Nafziger
10 years: Angela Taylor,
John Wagner
15 years: Don Pfeiffer, Bob Spenner
25 years: Kathy Ebert
30 years: Barb Swailes
45 YEARS!! Jim Schneider
Club Community Service Award: Green Acres 4-H Club
Livewires Contd
Jake Debler
Peighton Ford**
Preston Ford*
Cobi Hershberger
Graci Hershberger
Halli Hershberger
Kinley Holmes
Adelyn Huston
Caedyn Huston**
Cecil Kelley
Brett McDowell
Collin Miller
Kale Miller
Kenzie Miller
Blake Peck**
Payton Peck**
Hunter Robertson
Elijah Statler**
Cole Troyer
Braydon Younge**
Brynn Younge**
Prairie Pride
Emma Baumert
Maya Bruty**
Morgan Bruty**
Halle Cuddeback**
Rylee Libe
Isabella Lujan
Madison Richardson**
Riverside Enterprisers
Calvin Meller**
Ella Schlabaugh
Riverside Ramblers
Emma Cole
Ryker Gerot
Avery Shalla
Mason Shalla
Parker Shalla
Ryland Shalla
Caleb Vasquez
Peyton Yeggy
Hunter Barnes
Braydon Clough**
Kyleigh Dolan
Ryann Dolan
Aliza Hoyle
Isabel Jones
Lauren Lukavsky*
Tyler Lukavsky*
Jenna Messer**
Alexandrea Murphy**
Maya Murphy**
Alexis Pacha
Iris Peterson
Izzy Peterson
Blake Sheetz
Jade Sheetz
Tate Sheetz
Emma Rae Stalder
Emma Taylor
Robert Taylor
Allie Wulf
Ava Wulf
Eli Wulf
Owen Wulf
Washington Hustlers
Joseph Pacha**
Nic Pacha**
76 Progressives
Emily Conger**
Grace Conger**
Izzi Chalupa**
Jace Chalupa**
Grant Garman
Taylor Garman**
Ava Greiner**
Emma Greiner**
Jack Greiner**
Marlee Greiner **
Will Klein
Vivienne Klein
Cooper Strand
*Participant of Merit
**Participant of Excellence
The CBI Bank & Trust 4-H Par-
ticipation Awards have set crite-
ria completed throughout the
year. Members can start work on
their goals already for this year!
Outstanding Record Book Awards and CBI 4-H Participation Awards
Recipients have shown in-depth
focus on this project area through
a combination of fair exhibits,
communication experiences,
workshops, and leading others.
Lilly Clark: Child Development
Zoey Dennler: Horse & Pony, Dog
Kyleigh Dolan: Rabbit
Peighton Ford: Beef, Swine,
Grant Garman: Beef
Taylor Garman: Clothing
Katie Leichty: Dairy, Dog
Lauren Lukavsky: Beef
Paige Malichky: Communication
Jenna Messer: Communication,
Maya Murphy: Photography, Dog
Brynn Northup: Bucket Bottle Calf,
Caroline Richardson: Rabbit
Blake Sheetz: Beef
Jade Sheetz: Beef
Youth Special Awards
Recipients were selected after review of application
and interviews with award committees
Annie Morrison
Katie Leichty
Alex Murphy
Senior Citizenship
Lilly Clark
Senior Citizenship
Kyleigh Dolan
Senior Livestock
Payton Peck
Senior Livestock
Bailey Rees
Senior Leadership
Carmen Sieren
I Dare You Award
Intermediate Leadership Award: Peighton Ford
Intermediate Spirit Award: Zoey Dennler
Intermediate Achievement Award:
Blake Peck, Paige Malichky, Charlotte Sieren
76 Progressives
Emma Greiner
Vivienne Klein
Bows & Bullets
Max Peterson
Darrin Richardson
Carsten Wilson
Crooked Creek
Javan Davis
Aubrey Eichelberger
Ally Rinner
Dutch Creek Flyers
Rena Lyle
Zoey Sieren
First Tech Challenge
Sawyer Hough
Franklin Cubs
Clayton Bartholomew
Grant Berdo
Memphis Vittetoe
William Longbine
Green Acres
Morgan Bruty
Meredith Campbell
Avery Herteen
Zach Hotchkiss
Piper Malichky
Morgan Northup
Chase Brun
Reese Good
Horse & Pony
Bella Dickinson
Avery Drum
Elise Foster
Vivienne Klein
Bryce Roth
Kalona Klassics
Payton Lunkley
Molly Birky
Ella Rich
Addison Skelton
Landon Allen
Issac Birky
Alex Conrad
Preston Conrad
Aspen Galindo
Graci Hershberger
Kinley Holmes
Leah Kelley
Kylar Kiefer
Nicholas Peck
Cole Troyer
LilliAnne Eldridge
Calvin Meller
Ellie Schlabaugh
Adley Sweeting
Riverside Ramblers
Ash Foley
Parker Shalla
Caleb Vasquez
Hunter Barnes
Emma Langstraat
Carys Miller
Alexis Pacha
Ainsley Zieser
John Hora
Partner in 4-H Award
CBI Bank & Trust
4-H Volunteer of the Year
Ted Greiner
4-H Alumni Award
Donnie Hiller
Friend of 4-H Award
Don Lewis
4-H Family of the Year
Scott & Renee Sieren Family
We want to especially welcome and congratulate these first-year members for joining
4-H and succeeding in the first year. Thank you to the families for all of your time
and commitment to Washington County 4-H.
County Council sponsors these special adult awards.
County 4-H
Hall of Fame
Kevin Hora
Congratulations and
thank you for impacting
Washington County 4-H
in such great ways!
At the Washington County
Fair, Kevin Hora is known
as the guy on the tractor”,
because the work is never
actually complete. His
commitment to 4-H is un-
deniable, starting with the
strong and long-lasting
family tradition of 4-H
members. Horas father
was a Fairboard member,
giving him a behind the
scenes view of the work it
takes to put on a county
fair. That experience
paved the way for him to
be a future fair board
member himself.
Not a tool untouched, Ho-
ra is the go-to for every-
thing from electrical to dirt
projects. His lifelong com-
mitment to 4-H and nearly
30 years with the Wash-
ington County Fairboard
reveal his desire to give
back and pay it forward for
the upcoming generation
of Washington County 4-
Hers. Thank you, Kevin,
for sharing your time and
talents with Washington
County 4-H!
Moores Towing, Rinner Family Farms,
Farm Bureau—Ann C. Williams Agency
4-H Youth Committee & County Council,
Washington County Extension Council & Staff, and
ALL of the 4-H volunteers and families throughout the year!
Crawfordsville CK
Karson Allec
Brysen Davis
Makinley Davis
Ava Eichelberger
Henry Farrell
Bentley Hesseltine
Freedom Mayberry
Sofia Mendez -
Abel Nichols
Aidan Nichols
Conner Pickering
Carli Roth
Chase Thrapp
Natalia Vergara
Creative Clovers
Lauren McWhirter
Anthony Ross
Brinnley Stout
Myles Stout
Eagles Nest CK
Adelinn Beinhart
Isebell Beinhart
Lucas Bender
Emerson Flynn
Evan Greiner
Karley Greiner
Gia Jaeger
Henry Klein
Ryker Myers
Xander Myers
Highland Clover Kids
Ella Brenneman
Zakary Dickinson
Kahlan Eldridge
Kameron Eldridge
Adelaide Fuhrmann
Fraya Gardiner
Easton Giannini
Emma Kleopfer
Zackary Kleopfer
Bristol Kucera
Dillon Layman
Conner Leyh
Tori Marsengill
Amelia Meller
Annabelle Peiffer
Jack Schnoebelen
Auben Sweeting
Corbin Vazquez
Independent Members
Jake Berdo
Ruby Lowenberg
Jackson Township
Kooper Barnes
Callie Brink
Maison Crawford
Cecelia Keil
Emma Keil
Olivia Lujan
Sophia Lujan
Louis Mejia
Isla Miller
Lindsey Schneider
Mason Schneider
Pryce Sobaski
Brinnley Stout
Myles Stout
Grace Taylor
Jayse Thorius
Jordan Thorius
Ariella Valdez
Little Hawks CK
Colbi Blum
Laci Blum
Adelynn Carr
Colton Carr
Isabella Davis
Isla Davis
Blaine Duwa
Cael Frederick
Liam Frederick
Madison Gent
Reese Herteen
Kenna Holmes
Kestyn Holmes
Brooklynn Liska
Madison Marsh
Morgan McGlynn
Moriah McGlynn
Claire OConner
Jackson Rodgers
Tandon Shalla
Allie Smothers
Andee Smothers
Eve Stoutner
Sam Troyer
Carson Williams
Lucky Clovers
JP Adam
Gabriel Frost
Grayson Frost
Jack Green
Landon Lee
Ethan Loeffler
Avery Rich
Braxton Rich
Timothy Sands
Walker Stauffer
Washington CK
Cade Drahota
Charley Eaton
Stella Eaton
Adrian Green
Logan Hotchkiss
Elena Koch
John Koch
Krew Liska
Makenyn Liska
Benjamin Longbine
Hattie Longbine
Nile Longbine
Adlei Marek
Kassidi Marek
Eliana Martin
William McWhirter
Jacob Pacha
Drew Quinn
Grace Quinn
Stella Quinn
Dalton Rich
Dexter Rich
Cael Schneider
Jase Wiggins
Sydney Williams
Dawson Zieser
Wellman CK
Maylee Allen
Taya Bombei
Isaiah Conrad
Chloe Fay
Randilynn Gearhart
Ty Gearhart
Audrey Huber
Ethan Huber
Hayden Litwiller
Finn McNurlen
Hayden Norman
Lane Norman
Brielle Robertson
Kinley Skelton
Ashlee Statler
Aaden Tadlock
Sarai Taylor
Braxton Webb
Brystol Younge
Our program is
excited about
the interest and
growth happen-
ing in Clover
for kindergar-
ten-third grade.
We want to serve
MORE youth in the
Washington area
through Clover Kids
and are currently
seeking adult volun-
teers to lead this
group. The Extension
Office provides
screening, training,
and continuous re-
sources for those in
club leader roles. If
you know of a caring
adult who has a pas-
sion for working with
young people, please
let the Extension Of-
fice know.